Coinbase Launches Support for NFT Gaming Altcoin As Crypto Markets Tumble

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Coinbase Launches Support for NFT Gaming Altcoin As Crypto Markets Tumble

Top US crypto exchange Coinbase is listing a new altcoin powering a new multiplayer non-fungible token (NFT) game built on the blockchain.

Dina anyar tweet, Coinbase says the interactive game My Neighbor Alice (ALICE) will start trading on Coinbase Pro once certain conditions are met.

Inbound transfers for MyNeighborAlice (ALICE) are now available on @Coinbase jeung @CoinbaseExch in the regions where trading is supported. Trading is not enabled at this time. Trading will begin on or after 9AM PT on Thurs Feb 24, if liquidity conditions are met.

— Coinbase Exchange (@CoinbaseExch) Pébruari 23, 2022

My Neighbor Alice is a non-fungible token play-to-earn video game where players invest in digital islands by staking tokens. Players can then upgrade and build upon their islands and explore to find new collectibles. ALICE is the native currency of the game.

The bright-themed seaside game encourages users to make new friends and offers the ability to purchase plots of lands, virtual islands and NFTs.

Native token ALICE serves several roles, including purchasing in-game items, earning staking rewards and governance of the ecosystem’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

The game was inspired by Nintendo’s successful Animal Crossing franchise and developed by the Stockholm-based Antler Interactive studio, which was founded in 2016.

My Neighbor Alice has partnered with investors like Koropak na (SAND), Maker, Genesis Block and Neo Global Capital.

News of the Coinbase listing has not been able to resist the overall market downtrend in the wake of rising geopolitical tensions with Tatangga kuring Alice is currently down 16.41% to $6.45.

Coinbase says that ALICE will be available to trade paired with the US Dollar (USD) and tether (USDT) nalika kaayaan likuiditas anu pas dicumponan.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Vit-Mar/Sensvector

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