Coinbase Lets Customers Borrow up to $1 Million Using Bitcoin as Collateral

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Coinbase Lets Customers Borrow up to $1 Million Using Bitcoin as Collateral

The Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase is now letting customers borrow up to $1 million using bitcoin as collateral. The company charges 8% APR but there is no credit check. The exchange said that the bitcoin used as collateral “remains safely held by Coinbase,” emphasizing, “It’s not lent out or used for any other purpose.”

Customers Can Borrow up to $1M With Bitcoin as Collateral From Coinbase

Bursa Cryptocurrency Coinbase ngumumkeun Salasa:

Kami bungah ngumumkeun yén para nasabah anu layak ayeuna tiasa nginjeum dugi ka $1 juta USD ti Coinbase.

On its website, the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange explained that eligible customers can “Borrow cash using bitcoin as collateral,” noting that borrowers will “Pay just 8% APR with no credit check.”

The company explained that customers can borrow as much as 40% of the value of the bitcoin in their account, up to $1 million. “Each month you only need to pay the interest due ($10 min),” Coinbase said, adding that there is no prepayment or late fees.

"Jalur kiridit ieu ngagaduhan fitur paménta sareng tiasa dibayar deui dina 2 taun dibuka," Coinbase terus, ngajelaskeun:

nu bitcoin you use as collateral remains safely held by Coinbase. It’s not lent out or used for any other purpose.

Garis kiridit ditawarkeun ku Coinbase ayeuna sadia pikeun warga nagara bagian AS handap: AK, AR, AZ, CA, FL, ID, Il, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, jeung WY.

Coinbase nembe ngantunkeun rencanana pikeun ngaluncurkeun program pinjaman saatos Komisi Sekuritas sareng Bursa AS (SEC) diancam gugat pausahaan lamun proceeded kalawan peluncuran. Bursa lajeng diterbitkeun a usul pikeun pangaturan cryptocurrency kalawan opat saran inti.

What do you think about Coinbase letting customers borrow up to $1 million with bitcoin as collateral? Let us know in the comments section below.

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