Crypto College? US University Launches Experiential Education Programs in Blockchain and Digital Assets

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Crypto College? US University Launches Experiential Education Programs in Blockchain and Digital Assets

A large donation is giving cryptocurrency education a major boost at one of America’s leading universities.

In an announcement, the University of Cincinnati nyebutkeun longtime supporters Dan Kautz and Woodrow Uible are helping the school launch a pair of new blockchain-related initiatives by gifting an undisclosed amount.

The first is a program to educate students about cryptocurrency and financial technology at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business. The second aspect will be to name a public-private laboratory space the Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab, which is located inside the soon-to-open Digital Futures building.

UC dean and professor of management Marianne Lewis says of the new school’s area of study,

“Our students will gain hands-on, experiential education in this new frontier of financial technology. [They] will learn how to manage cryptocurrencies and how such digital assets impact our economy, positioning UC as the regional leader and among the top universities nationally with this kind of program.”

Uible says it’s important for students to learn about technologies that are “at the cutting edge of business innovation and management.”

He notes the value of gaining real-world experience, adding,

“Students will learn more by participating in the process of trading cryptocurrencies and directly working with a blockchain. That experience is much more valuable and meaningful than just learning from a textbook.”

The announcement says Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also house similar labs to study cryptocurrency.

Kautz concludes,

“Blockchain is evolving and the Cryptoeconomics Lab will evolve with it to keep UC at the forefront of this expanding technology. The possibilities are endless…”

Last October, the Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the Wharton University of Pennsylvania wangsit it was partnering with the crypto exchange giant Coinbase to allow students to pay for a blockchain-focused curriculum.

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Gambar Pilihan: Shutterstock/Proyék Desain/Sensvector

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