Crypto Strategist Says One Ethereum Rival Is Preparing for Liftoff, With Bitcoin (BTC) Bottom Likely In

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Crypto Strategist Says One Ethereum Rival Is Preparing for Liftoff, With Bitcoin (BTC) Bottom Likely In

A closely followed crypto analyst is predicting a surge for a popular Ethereum (ETH) challenger while saying that Bitcoin (BTC) may have already printed this cycle’s low.

analis pseudonim Cantering Clark ngabejaan his 142,300 Twitter followers that smart contract platform Solana (Sol) is gearing up for a move that could trigger a strong rally from current prices.

“Just look at the chart. SOL looks like it is consolidating against resistance and compressing to fly… This daily [chart] looks good, and we haven’t seen nearly as much mean reversion as I would expect. SOL.”

sumber: Cantering Clark / Twitter

Looking at the analyst’s charts, it appears that the next major resistance for Solana is around $75. At time of writing, SOL is swapping hands for $46.98, indicating a nearly 60% upside potential for the Ethereum competitor, according to Cantering Clark.

Sedengkeun pikeun Bitcoin, the trader posits that BTC revisiting its 2017 bull market high around $20,000 and holding it as support on the weekly timeframe could be a fitting bottom signal.

“Crowds, is it possible that Bitcoin really was this simple?

Everyone talking about a drawdown that should match prior drawdowns but disregarding the fact that the recent bull market was less intense than priors.

We kind of did revert to a good historical mean regardless.”

sumber: Cantering Clark / Twitter

Cantering Clark points out that during the 2017 bull market, Bitcoin rallied by over 11,000% from the bottom. Meanwhile, the 2021 bull market saw Bitcoin posting gains of less than 2,000%.

“Eyes having issues?”

sumber: Cantering Clark / Twitter

Analis crypto ogé warns traders who are planning to short sell Bitcoin due to its relative underperformance over the past weeks.

"Bitcoin is being very dull and giving the impression of weakness.

‘Never short a dull market.’

This kind of reminds me of 2020 structure off March lows.”

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Gambar Pilihan: Shutterstock/GrandeDuc/Fotomay

pos teh Crypto Strategist Says One Ethereum Rival Is Preparing for Liftoff, With Bitcoin (BTC) Bottom Likely In mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian