Crypto Whale Ngajual Pareum $ 5,370,000 MakerDAO Salaku MKR Ngabenerkeun: Lookonchain

Ku The Daily Hodl - 3 sababaraha bulan kapengker - Waktos Bacaan: 2 menit

Crypto Whale Ngajual Pareum $ 5,370,000 MakerDAO Salaku MKR Ngabenerkeun: Lookonchain

One crypto whale is attracting notice for selling millions of dollars worth of a decentralized finance (DeFi) altcoin amid a market correction.

According to blockchain tracking firm Lookonchain, one deep-pocketed investor dijual their trove of MKR, the native token for the DeFi protocol Maker, within days as the asset dipped below $2,000.

“A whale dumped 2,658 MKR for 5.37 million DAI at an average price of $2,022 in [four] days. And the price of MKR has dropped by 7.6% since the whale began dumping.

The whale still holds 2,007 MKR ($3.9 million), be careful of selling again!”

Sumber: Lookonchain/X

Maker is trading for $1,973.71 at time of writing, up slightly in the last 24 hours.

Lookonchain ogé perhatoskeun that another crypto whale just scooped up a large amount of the decentralized oracle network Chainlink (numbu).

“A fresh wallet withdrew a total of 424,259 LINK ($6.26 million) from Binance [on January 28th].”

Sumber: Lookonchain/X

LINK didagangkeun pikeun $15.05 dina waktos nyerat, naék ampir 1.42% dina 24 jam ka pengker.

The blockchain tracking firm previously dilaporkeun that one trader made huge profits buying and selling Wen (wen), a memecoin built on the Solana (Sol) network. The trader sold WEN to gain $682,000 in USDC and held on to $941,000 in unrealized profits.

“In just 14 hours, this trader made over $1.6 million trading MEME coin WEN! He spent 125,500 USDC to buy 20 billion WEN when WEN opened trading, and sold 12.5 billion WEN for 807,000 USDC, realizing a profit of 682,000. And currently holds 7.6 billion WEN ($941,000), with an unrealized profit of $941,000.”

WEN is trading for $0.000111 at time of writing, down more than 30% in the last 24 hours.

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Gambar dihasilkeun: Midjourney

pos teh Crypto Whale Ngajual Pareum $ 5,370,000 MakerDAO Salaku MKR Ngabenerkeun: Lookonchain mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian