Crypto Whales Are Pouncing on Eight Ethereum-Based Altcoins Amid Crypto Market Dip

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Crypto Whales Are Pouncing on Eight Ethereum-Based Altcoins Amid Crypto Market Dip

The largest crypto whales in the Ethereum ecosystem are utilizing the market dip to purchase more ETH and eight additional altcoins running on the leading smart contract platform.

According to the crypto whale tracker WhaleStats, the largest 1,000 non-exchange Ethereum wallets accumulated the meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) above all other Ethereum-based tokens in the last 24 hours.

At time of writing, SHIB is down 5% at a price of $0.000039 per token.

Next up, the whales pounced on Dasar Perhatosan token (BAT), which is the native asset of the Brave browser ecosystem.

The altcoin soared 37% after the platform released an integrated crypto wallet and has since retraced to $1.47 per BAT.

The fourth-largest Ethereum-based altcoin purchase among Ethereum whales in the last day is USD koin (USDC), a stablecoin designed to maintain a constant peg to the US dollar.

The gaming and non-fungible token (NFT) platform Enjin koin (ENJ) and the social sports token Chiliz (CHZ) are number four and five on the list of most purchased Ethereum-based coins, respectively.

At number six on the list is Dogelon mars (ELON), which is a meme coin competitor to Shiba inu (SHIB) jeung Dogecoin (DOGE).

The gaming and metaverse token Decentraland (MANA) comes in at number seven and Layanan Ngaran Ethereum (ENS), which is the governance token of the NFT domain-linking platform, rounds out the list.

sumber: WhaleStats

When looking at the overall altcoin holdings of the 1,000 whales in question, they are hoarding Ethereum (ETH) itself above all other tokens.

That’s followed by Shiba Inu (SHIB), and the crypto exchange tokens FTX Token (FTT) and Koin Koin (CRO).

sumber: WhaleStats cek harga Aksi

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Gambar anu diulas: Shutterstock/Karanjang Kreatif/Vladimir Sazonov

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