Dogecoin As The Official Currency Of Mars? Elon Musk Ponders

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Dogecoin As The Official Currency Of Mars? Elon Musk Ponders

Musk reveals that DOGE, more than any other crypto, checks out as a currency. He likes Dogecoin as the currency of Mars but says it is up to the people.There is no sign of the billionaire relenting in his support for the token.

Elon kasturi geus terus nganyatakeun karesep-Na jeung sensasi koin meme Dogecoin. Dina wawancara anyar sareng Lex Fridman, Musk explained the reason for his preference of DOGE to Bitcoin.

Dogecoin Nyaéta Versi Pangalusna Duit Anu Ditingali

Urut exec PayPal, Elon kasturi geus dikedalkeun view na yén Dogecoin éta dihareupeun pak salaku médium bursa. Ieu sanés pertama kalina bos Tesla nyatakeun pendapat ieu. Anjeunna ngalakukeun kitu nembé dina wawancara sareng majalah Times salaku jalma majalah taun ieu.

Bos Tesla nyarios ka Lex Fridman kapercayaan yén Mars bakal beroperasi kalayan cryptocurrency, muji Dogecoin salaku pilihan anu mungkin. Anjeunna nyarios kieu saatos nyatakeun optimisme ngeunaan manusa badarat di Mars ku 2026. Musk negeskeun, kumaha oge, yén pilihan mata uang bakal ditinggalkeun ka pangeusi Mars, nambahan yén "bakal janten hal anu dilokalkeun di Mars."

Paguneman ngarah kasturi ngobrol ngeunaan kaayaan goréng tina sistem finansial sarta kumaha cryptocurrency corrects "kasalahan ngaronjat ku pamaréntah". Milyuner nyarios kieu, nyarioskeun kasusah ngajaga pangkalan data ogé kakuatan sawenang-wenang pamaréntah pikeun ningkatkeun pasokan.

Musk went on to explain that while Bitcoin improves on this system, its low transaction volume and high fees make it impractical as a currency and more like a store of value. Dogecoin, on the other hand, he said, was more scalable in terms of volume as well as very low in fees.

Musk acknowledged that Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network, which have been implemented in places like El Salvador, address the issues raised. However, he explained further that the deflationary nature of Bitcoin encouraged people to “hodl” it and not spend it, stating that that was not a trait that a currency should have. Musk added that Dogecoin’s design of a fixed number for inflation solved this issue without necessarily making it inflationary. 

Kasturi Masih Dina Tim DOGE

Elon Musk geus tetep proponent vokal Dogecoin taun ieu. Anjeunna parantos nganggo platform ti Twitter pikeun wawancara panganyarna pikeun ngamajukeun koin. Seueur anu ngaitkeun minat kana token ka jutawan.

Dina tweet ampir dua minggu ka tukang, bos Tesla, anu parantos ngayakeun polling Twitter awal taun ieu pikeun naroskeun naha basis kipas na hoyong nganggo DOGE pikeun pangmayaran di Tesla, ngungkabkeun yén perusahaan bakal ngamimitian nampi token pikeun. dagangan Tesla tangtu dina tweet leuwih dua minggu ka tukang.

"Tesla bakal ngajantenkeun sababaraha barang anu tiasa dibeli sareng Doge & tingali kumaha jalanna."

Dukungan Elon Musk pikeun DOGE henteu nunjukkeun tanda-tanda abating. Dina Méi, billionaire ngungkabkeun dina tweet yén anjeunna damel sareng pamekar dina proyék éta. 

"Gawe sareng Doge devs pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi transaksi sistem. Potensi ngajangjikeun. ” 

sumber aslina: ZyCrypto