El Salvador Snatches Up More Bitcoin At A Massive Discount As Its BTC Stash Expands

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El Salvador Snatches Up More Bitcoin At A Massive Discount As Its BTC Stash Expands

President Nayib Bukele announced on Friday his country’s latest purchase of 100 BTC as Bitcoin’s price nosedived to levels last seen in October.

"El Salvador nembé mésér dip. 100 koin tambahan diala ku diskon" Anjeunna tweeted.

Sanaos Bukele henteu mastikeun ti mana dana anu dianggo pikeun ngagaleuh, minggu kamari pamaréntahanana ngumumkeun yén éta bakal nyayogikeun $ 500 juta anu satengah tina $1 Billion tokenized bond created with the help of  Blockstream to purchase more Bitcoin.

Narikna, beuli panganyarna coincided jeung "Hideung Jumaah", poé nu ilaharna nuturkeun libur Thanksgiving di AS jeung tradisional katempona "nyirian mimiti balanja Natal".

Ieu mangrupikeun kalima kalina El Salvador nuju ngagaleuh sanajan napsu Bukele pikeun aset langka terus ningkat kalayan panyebaran panganyarna sahingga hartosna nagara ayeuna gaduh langkung ti 1,220 koin dina kas na. 

Pundits Still Eyeing $53,000 – Whales Keep Stacking

The latest purchase does not however come without its share of criticism and skepticism from various market observers. Gold-fanatic Peter Schiff expressed his disapproval at Bukele’s Bitcoin purchases saying that it was unfortunate for the people of El Salvador. "Kuring heran sabaraha deui dips aranjeunna bakal dibeuli saméméh maranéhna motong karugian maranéhanana sarta ngajual?" manehna nanya.

Tina sudut pandang téknis, analis pasar sanés nganggap éta Bitcoin’s price could push lower, citing $53,000 as a psychological area sapanjang nu aranjeunna daék meuli asset teh. "Bagan anu dipikaresep ku kuring kuring resep mésér BTC sakitar $53,000 sareng ETH sakitar $4,030," analis pasar renowned Peter Bradt nyebutkeun.

Even then, the latest dip has not only caught Bukele’s attention. In the last 24 hours, the third-largest Bitcoin wallet has added 991 more BTC with whales having increased their stashes by 7761 BTC in the last two weeks. This has also been the most aggressive accumulation since July sell-of.

Bitcoin Price Faces Strain But Offers a Better Discount 

Pikeun dua minggu panungtungan, Bitcoin has been the victim of various strains saprak ngetok pangluhurna sadaya waktos $68,508 dina Pertengahan Nopémber.

Friday’s bloodshed which saw over $600 million liquidated as Bitcoin lost over $5000 in under 24 hours is seen as having been further fuelled by a new coronavirus variant named Omicron classed as “of concern” by WHO.

The shock was witnessed across major stocks with the S&P 500 index plunging hard as fresh fears of an economic beatdown hit the markets. At press time, Bitcoin price is exchanging hands in the $55,145 range, having shed over 9% in the last 24 hours and over 22% since tapping an ATH.

sumber aslina: ZyCrypto