Tesla Elon Musk Ngajaga Dogecoin (DOGE) Salaku Pilihan Pamayaran Nalika Ngahapus Bitcoin (BTC): Reporter Blockchain

Ku The Daily Hodl - 9 sababaraha bulan kapengker - Waktos Bacaan: 2 menit

Tesla Elon Musk Ngajaga Dogecoin (DOGE) Salaku Pilihan Pamayaran Nalika Ngahapus Bitcoin (BTC): Reporter Blockchain

Billionaire Elon Musk’s Tesla is keeping Dogecoin (Doge) as a payment option while removing the source code that once allowed Bitcoin (BTC) pangmayaran.

According to blockchain report Colin Wu, the king crypto and Dogecoin have been ayeuna in the electric car manufacturer’s source code since January despite Tesla removing Bitcoin as a payments option in 2021.

“There were rumors in the community that Tesla added Bitcoin and Dogecoin to its payment page source code. However, upon verification, it was found that Bitcoin and Dogecoin were already present in the source code as early as January 2023.

It appears that Tesla did not remove this code when they previously discontinued the option to pay with Bitcoin. "

However, upon examining the source code to Tesla’s payments page, Wu manggih that Dogecoin has still been retained while the top crypto asset by market cap has been removed.

“At present, Tesla has deleted ‘Bitcoin’ in the source code of its payment page, but still retains ‘Dogecoin.’”

Last year, Musk announced Tesla would be accepting Dogecoin as payment for its barang dagangan and has plans to accept the dog-themed token for its stasiun ngecas.

The business magnate also announced that one of his other companies, SpaceX, would be narima the memecoin as payments for merchandise as well.

Currently, Musk is the defendant in a class action lawsuit that alleges the billionaire engaged in inside trading and manipulated the price of Dogecoin for his own personal gain.

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Gambar anu diulas: Shutterstock / Almujaddidi

pos teh Tesla Elon Musk Ngajaga Dogecoin (DOGE) Salaku Pilihan Pamayaran Nalika Ngahapus Bitcoin (BTC): Reporter Blockchain mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian