Konsumsi Énergi Ethereum Ningali Turunna Seukeut Nalika Profitability Pertambangan Turun

By Bitcoinist - 1 year ago - Reading Time: 2 menit

Konsumsi Énergi Ethereum Ningali Turunna Seukeut Nalika Profitability Pertambangan Turun

Konsumsi énérgi Ethereum geus naek ngaliwatan 2021. Kalolobaan eta geus dipicu ku pasar bula nu geus dibawa minat renewed ka pasar. Sanajan kitu, ku pasar ayeuna tungtungna dipingpin kana trend biruang dreaded, minat blockchain geus waned. Hasilna, kagiatan dina Ethereum turun sareng naon anu ditarjamahkeun ieu mangrupikeun panurunan dina jumlah énergi anu dianggo dina jaringan.

Pamakéan Énergi Deukeut Lows Taunan

Bade kana taun 2022, Ethereum konsumsi énergi kungsi naek ajeg. Jaringan parantos ningali panyaluran pangguna énggal salami taun ka tukang kusabab naékna kauangan desentralisasi (DeFi) "sareng token non-fungible (NFTs). Diperkirakeun konsumsi énérgi pikeun sataun parantos ningkat sakitar 50% dina rentang genep bulan. Ku minggu katilu Méi, estimasi konsumsi énergi pikeun Ethereum geus muncak dina 93.98 TWh.

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Turunna ti titik ieu teras bakal gancang sanaos Juni parantos sumping sareng pasar biruang. Turunna harga ningali para investor mimiti tarik kaluar tina aset digital, anu mimitina nyababkeun naékna kagiatan jaringan. Tapi, minggu-minggu di handap ieu konsumsi énergi turun sakitar 50%.

konsumsi énergi ETH declines | Sumber: Ahli Digiconomist

Presently, the estimated energy consumption for the Ethereum network is 51.82 TWh. The last time that it was this low was in September of 2021. It follows the same trend set by Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency in the space. Data shows that bitcoin’s estimated energy has dropped to 204.5 TWh, which is the lowest that it has been in a year. Additionally, the konsumsi énergi sapopoé keur bitcoin is now sitting 30% lower than the previous month at around 10.57 GW on a daily basis.

Profitability Pertambangan Ethereum turun

The decline in the price of Ethereum has brought multiple implications with it. Not only has its energy consumption reduced, but it has also seen a drop in the mining profitability of miners. These miners who are rewarded with coins for helping to confirm transactions on the network are now recording less cash inflow dollar-wise due to the price crash.

ETH leungiteun footing di $1,200 | Sumber: ETHUSD dina TradingView.com

Nunjukkeun yen panambang kudu terus mayar operasi maranéhanana, turunna harga hartina bari maranéhanana masih mayar nilai dollar sarua, atawa leuwih, pikeun ngalakonan operasi pertambangan maranéhanana, mulih geus turun.

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The decline in the energy consumption of the network shows that these miners are indeed scaling back their mining operations due to this drop in profitability. The same is been recorded across the leading network Bitcoin which has seen its price decline more than 60% from its all-time high.

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