Ethereum (ETH) Competitor Soars As Coinbase Adds Red-Hot Altcoin to Listing Roadmap

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Ethereum (ETH) Competitor Soars As Coinbase Adds Red-Hot Altcoin to Listing Roadmap

Hiji Ethereum (ETH) competitor that’s working to accelerate Web 3.0 adoption is soaring after top US crypto exchange Coinbase put it on the path to joining its trading roster.

The Coinbase listing roadmap is made up of crypto projects currently under consideration to be included among the exchange’s growing list of supported assets.

Dina pengumuman anyar, Coinbase nyebutkeun it has updated the roadmap with the addition of decentralized application (DApp) platform Near Protocol (DEUKEUT).

Near Protocol’s proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain aims not only to resolve industry-wide scaling issues but is also designed to be user-friendly for both developers and non-tech savvy.

Native governance token NEAR can be used for online storage, paying transaction fees as well as earning staking rewards by validating network transactions.

Numutkeun proyék website,

“Through simple, secure, and scalable technology, NEAR empowers millions to invent and explore new experiences.

Business, creativity, and community are being reimagined for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

We envision a world where people control their money, their data, and the tools to build new ideas.”

Asset added to the roadmap today: Near Protocol (NEAR)

- Coinbase Assets (@CoinbaseAssets) Agustus 10, 2022

The project says it’s been carbon-neutral since February of 2021, while also boasting low transaction fees and the ability to communicate across different blockchains.

Near Protocol has been surging up the charts lately, up 71.2% over the past month and 29.2% since last Wednesday.

NEAR is up over 13% on the day and trading for $5.92.

Coinbase kang daptar roadmap mimitina diciptakeun pikeun ningkatkeun transparansi ku "nyadiakeun saloba inpormasi simétri sabisa" sareng komunikasi sareng pasar sateuacan mutuskeun daptar aset.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Everyonephoto Studio/Andy Chipus

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