Peserta Ethereum ICO Muncul deui sareng Mindahkeun 8,000 $ ETH Saatos Ngaapresiasi Ampir 600,000%

Ku CryptoGlobe - 11 sababaraha bulan kapengker - Waktos Bacaan: 1 menit

Peserta Ethereum ICO Muncul deui sareng Mindahkeun 8,000 $ ETH Saatos Ngaapresiasi Ampir 600,000%

A dormant cryptocurrency whale that participated in Ethereum’s initial coin offering (ICO) back in 2015 has sprung back to life. The whale purchased 8,000 $ETH, equivalent to nearly $15 million at the time of writing, during the ICO. According to blockchain monitoring service Lookonchain, the reactivation process started with a cautious initial transaction, involving a […]

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