Fed Announces Inflation Warnings As Bitcoin Whales Remain In Wait Mode

Ku NewsBTC - 1 year ago - Reading Time: 2 menit

Fed Announces Inflation Warnings As Bitcoin Whales Remain In Wait Mode

Over the past few hours, the price of bitcoin has deviated from a key level of support and fallen below $19,000. The transaction history reveals that many addresses purchased Bitcoin for more than $20,000. These market players would soon liquidate their holdings to prevent further losses, which would set off a decline toward $16,000

Inflation Warnings Affect Bitcoin harga

Alatan worries inflasi utama sarta hikes laju dituduhkeun ku bank sentral, utamana Federal Reserve AS, BTC geus ampir leungit satengah tina nilaina leuwih bulan saméméhna.

Bitcoin’s market valuation has fallen from $1.27 trillion in November 2021 to under $366 billion at present.

Jerome Powell, pupuhu Federal Reserve, negeskeun deui komitmen Fed pikeun naékkeun suku bunga pikeun ngirangan inflasi. Anjeunna nyatakeun dina rapat ECB yén tangtangan inflasi langkung prihatin pikeun anjeunna tibatan poténsi naékna suku bunga nyababkeun ékonomi AS asup kana resesi.

"Naha aya résiko urang bakal jauh teuing? Tangtosna, aya résiko, ”saur Powell. "Kasalahan anu langkung ageung dilakukeun - hayu urang ku cara éta - bakal gagal mulangkeun stabilitas harga."

BTC/USD falls below $20k. Source: TradingView

Powell nyatakeun yén Fed kedah gancang-gancang naékkeun tarif sabab naékna bertahap tiasa masihan konsumen gambaran yén harga komoditi anu ningkat moal dileungitkeun. Anjeunna nyatakeun yén paningkatan tingkat tiasa ngirangan sateuacan taun payun.

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Saatos ucapan Powell, futures pasar ekuitas AS turun, sareng pikeun S&P 500 turun 1.59% sareng pikeun Nasdaq 100 beurat téknologi kaleungitan 1.9%. Pasar Asia turun, kalayan indéks Asia Dow sareng Nikkei Jepang 225 duanana turun 1.54%.

Data Nyarankeun Paus Nungguan

On-chain data on CryptoQuant suggests that most traders are awaiting the next significant price decline. The price anticipation appears to be for a short-term opportunity, though.

On-chain data also implies that big whales are waiting for a good opportunity to accumulate cryptocurrencies, not only tiny and average traders. Data shows that, interestingly, whales’ holdings in Bitcoin are not now growing.

This demonstrates unequivocally that the whales are awaiting a better opportunity. Whales’ holdings between 100 and 1,000 and between 1,000 and 10,000 Bitcoins currently exhibit a flat line.

bacaan patali | Bitcoin Slides Under $20K – Another Collapse In The Offing?

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