Poho Ngorbankeun Pikeun Kahadéan Nu Gedé, Tanggung Jawab Diri Nyaéta Jalan Pikeun Masarakat Anu Hadé

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 5 menit

Poho Ngorbankeun Pikeun Kahadéan Nu Gedé, Tanggung Jawab Diri Nyaéta Jalan Pikeun Masarakat Anu Hadé

Sacrificing individuals is and always will be an immoral choice. If you want a better society, responsibility is probably a good place to start.

Ieu mangrupikeun redaksi opini ku Mickey Koss, lulusan West Point sareng gelar ékonomi. Anjeunna nyéépkeun opat taun di tentara leumpang sateuacan ngalih ka Korps Keuangan.

Nilai-nilai subyektif henteu aya cara pikeun ngalaksanakeun ukuran obyektif sareng ngabuka masarakat kana litani anti-kabebasan sareng tindakan anti-individu dina nami anu hadé.

The main issue is that the individuals who don’t value bitcoin have determined that their lack of subjective value justifies the censorship of energy use, among other things, in the name of societal good. I don’t think they realize the precedent that sets.

It's not hot enough out, so we’re killing power to your air conditioning. Watching “The Kardashians” is a waste of power, so we’re going to reduce the amount of power coming into your house. It's not cold enough yet, so we’re cutting off gas to your furnace. Your car is too big for you to drive alone, so we’re going to limit your ability to purchase fuel. Bitcoin is a waste of energy, so we need to ban mining or change the code.

Unggal pernyataan dasarna sami. Batur anu ngalaksanakeun nilai subjektifna. Sanaos conto-conto sawangsulna sigana bodo, kuring henteu kantos nyangka patani kedah protés pikeun neraskeun tani dugi ka eta dimimitian lumangsung di Walanda.

Hal-hal sapertos kieu sok dibenerkeun pikeun kasaéan masarakat.

"Ku kituna perlu yén individu tungtungna kudu sadar yén ego sorangan teu penting dibandingkeun jeung ayana bangsa, yén posisi individu ngan dikondisikeun ku kapentingan bangsa sakabéhna". — Adolf Hitler

Henteu aya grup. Henteu aya épék grup. Aya ngan individu. Bari urang gawé bareng pikeun ngabentuk masarakat, masarakat teu bisa kapangaruhan, ngan individu.

Nilai Keynesian wangsit

Kuring moal poho math callous dipaké pikeun menerkeun hikes upah minimum di kelas macroeconomic abdi di sakola grad. Dibikeun perkiraan kurva suplai sareng paménta, urang kedah ngitung kanaékan pangangguran versus gains upah pikeun jalma anu tetep padamelan saatos kanaékan upah minimum.

Pikeun kéngingkeun A +, kacindekan anjeun kedah negeskeun kaputusan pikeun ningkatkeun upah minimum. Cara persamaan ditulis didikte hasil ti mimiti: The gains upah bakal salawasna outweigh karugian pangangguran.

Dilarapkeun kana skenario kahirupan nyata, teu sesah ngabayangkeun ieu leres pikeun sadaya kaputusan kawijakan. Estimasi persamaan pikeun ngalakukeun sababaraha math pikeun ngahasilkeun leuwih perkiraan. Kami ngagaduhan hasil anu dipikahoyong sareng math kami ngadukung éta. Élmu, orok.

Kumaha Ngeunaan Pribadi?

Kuring ngalakukeun sagala math anu leres, tapi rekomendasi kuring nyaéta dimana kuring kaleungitan poin:

"Kuring henteu nyarankeun naékkeun upah minimum sabab nyababkeun paningkatan pangangguran. Maksakeun jalma kaluar tina padamelanana henteu bermoral. ”

Profésor, anu parantos nyerat disertasina ngeunaan élastisitas paménta pikeun komoditi pokok di sub-Sahara Afrika - diperkirakeun ngagunakeun perkiraan anu sakedik nilai dunya nyata - sacara santai ngaleungitkeun masalah anu ngagunakeun asuransi pangangguran salaku leresan. Sareng ieu dina No. 1 rengking Sakola Kabijakan Umum di Amérika Serikat dina waktos éta.

"Bangsat plebs. Hayu aranjeunna janten gumantung ka pamaréntah.

Sakur kalakuan ka hiji jalma bisa dibenerkeun ku kabeungharan masarakat. Henteu aya prinsip anu ngawatesan sareng éta lamping mangrupikeun anu lungkawing sareng leueur.

Good Riddance Keynes

I think the intellectual class’ resistance to bitcoin is because, at least subconsciously, they know it takes away their power to try and fine tune society from their ivory towers.

Sarébu jalma kaleungitan padamelan henteu kunanaon salami aranjeunna tetep statistik teu aya rupana dina persamaan matematika pseudoscience.

What about the single mother, the single father, the family of five, the first generation American, struggling every day to live a meaningful and dignified life, to show their children what it means to earn and provide? When making those calculations I could not help but think of the broken faces of broken people, shuffling home to tell their families they had failed that day, that their teetering scale of existence in this broken fiat world had just tipped out of favor, that their future was now uncertain.

Upami kuring kedah ngabohong ka diri kuring pikeun kéngingkeun A dina makalah ékonomi, maka kuring henteu kunanaon nyarioskeun anu leres.

Bitcoin And The Marionette

I could listen to bitcoin-famous Dr Yordania Peterson for hours. If I’m being honest, I already have and will continue to do so. His gift of language is highlighted beautifully in his analysis of the children's story “Pinocchio. "

Pinocchio's journey leads him to accepting responsibility as he enters the belly of the beast to save his father. Self-actualization leads to personhood. Everyday responsibility is the act of the everyday hero. Without responsibility, we have nothing. And yet with no scarcity, there can never be responsibility at the macro and policy levels of society.

The journey to the bitcoin standard leads to radical self-responsibility and cuts the ties of control from the so-called experts who so desperately want to control you. No longer will we be marionettes, puppets dancing along through life at the end of a fiat string.

No longer will we be statistics and aggregates, parts of overly and purposely convoluted equations used to justify sacrifice on behalf of the common good. It will no longer be possible on the bitcoin standard. With scarcity reintroduced into the marketplace, blanket dictats will no longer be financially viable.

There is no society without the individual. There are no societal effects. Only individuals making decisions on the margins. Sacrificing individuals is and always will be immoral. If you want a better society, responsibility is probably a good place to start. Bitcoin ngalereskeun ieu.

Ieu pos tamu ku Mickey Koss. Pamadegan dikedalkeun sagemblengna sorangan sarta teu merta ngagambarkeun pamadegan BTC Nyarita atawa Bitcoin Majalah.

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