GAIMIN Gladiators’ DOTA 2 Team Finish Top 4 in Stockholm Major

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GAIMIN Gladiators’ DOTA 2 Team Finish Top 4 in Stockholm Major

SIARAN PÉRS. Zug, Switzerland, 22nd May 2022: GAIMIN Gladiators are delighted to announce their DOTA 2 finish Top 4 in the ESL One Major in Stockholm.

For the last 10 days, GAIMIN Gladiators’ DOTA 2 team have achieved unprecedented acclaim for their progression in the ESL One Stockholm Major. As a newly formed team, in their first four months, this team has achieved success that is typically only seen in longer established and more highly funded teams.

The DOTA 2 team lost out to OG in the lower bracket semi-final in the Hovet Arena, Stockholm, placing them Top 4 in the tournament. The GAIMIN Gladiators’ Management were delighted with this performance; it has given the DOTA 2 team experience in playing in major tournaments and for the first time, they heard the emerging fanbase chanting for “GG” in a large arena!

Alex Cuccovillio, Vice President and Founder of GAIMIN Gladiators stated “I am delighted with the team’s performance. This was their first Major, first time on stage and first time being able to interact as a team with the other teams. This tournament has consolidated our team’s bonding and the team acted professionally in all aspects of the event. I am delighted with how this team performed and look forward to their progression in other tournaments and events.”

Shaun Porter, CEO and Founder of GAIMIN Gladiators, further commented, “The team exceeded our expectations in this tournament and demonstrated a professional approach throughout the event. Early event statistics are still to be finalised however with an average of 250,000 viewers and peak viewership of over 560,000 of the event, GAIMIN Gladiators are starting to get noticed!”

Martin Speight, CEO of GAIMIN stated, “To hear the “GG” chants in the audience and to see Slacks interviewing attendees supporting GAIMIN Gladiators was absolutely amazing! We decided to invest in esports 5 months ago to increase awareness of the GAIMIN brand. This team has justified the decision was the right one. We all look forward to their progression!”

Ngeunaan GAIMIN Gladiator

GAIMIN Gladiator dibentuk tina OCG Esports Club; organisasi Esports Kanada didirikeun taun 2019 ku sadulur Nick sareng Alex Cuccovillo sareng Shawn Porter. Tujuanana nyaéta pikeun nalukkeun esports anu dipilih sareng saprak 2019 aranjeunna parantos ngahontal kasuksésan anu signifikan pikeun menangkeun acara utama sapertos Dreamhack Canada pikeun Counter-Strike: Global Offensive sareng suksés bersaing dina liga pro-amatir pangluhurna di Amérika Kalér.

Klub ngalegaan kana Warcraft 3 di Éropa sareng Amérika Kalér, bersaing dina liga sareng turnamén anu paling bergengsi kalayan lineup sareng pamaén anu paling kuat dina pertandingan. Pikeun ngadukung aspirasina pikeun kamekaran, Klub pindah kana vertikal anyar sareng muncul, milu dina Rainbow Six Siege sareng maén dina Liga Challengers salami dua taun. OCG fokus kana pamandangan pro esports semi-profésional sareng ékologi sakurilingna - ngawangun platform sareng ékosistem pikeun pamaén.

OCG boga sababaraha bakat pangalusna di Kanada dina roster kaulinan na, ngalambangkeun Kanada dina tingkat nasional sakuliah turnamén di Amérika Kalér. Ngaliwatan inovasi konstan, tujuan komunitas-disetir sarta gawé bareng bakat luhur, OCG geus narékahan pikeun nyieun hiji inklusif, terhormat tur dibédakeun brand pikeun gamers.

Filsafat OCG saluyu sareng prinsip GAIMIN "No Gamer Left Behind" sareng ngajantenkeun OCG pas pikeun GAIMIN. Dumasar kana kasuksésan kaulinan maranéhanana sarta prinsip, OCG ayeuna bagian tina GAIMIN sarta geus ulang branded salaku GAIMIN Gladiators.

GAIMIN Gladiators will represent GAIMIN in the global esports arena and build on their past successes and growth by participating in current and new esports verticals.

Ngeunaan GAIMIN

GAIMIN.IO Ltd (GAIMIN) is a UK and Swiss based gaming company focused on helping the gaming community monetise the computational power of their gaming PC. GAIMIN has created a decentralised data processing network harnessing under utilised processing power typically found in gaming PC’s to create a world-wide decentralised data processing network, delivering “supercomputer” performance.

With a free to download PC-based application GAIMIN monetise kinerja kirang garapan ngaliwatan pendekatan inovatif pikeun delivering "superkomputer" kinerja processing data tingkat ti jaringan sakuliah dunya alat processing mandiri. Fokus mimitina dina kakuatan komputasi blockchain, jaringan ngolah data GAIMIN ogé ngadukung sababaraha aplikasi ngolah data skala ageung, kalebet rendering pidéo.

GAIMIN mayar pamaké dina mata uang crypto sorangan, GMRX nu lajeng bisa dipaké pikeun purchases on Pasar GAIMIN pikeun NFTs, aset kaulinan, asesoris jeung dagangan, atawa bisa dirobah jadi fiat atawa mata uang crypto béda.

Kanggo inpo nu salajengna, mangga ngahubungan:

The Americas, Middle East and Australian Pacific – Andrew Faridani, Chief Marketing Officer for GAIMIN (based in Toronto, Canada): [email dijaga]

UK and Europe – Marc Bray, Chief Communications Officer for GAIMIN (based in Manchester, UK): [email dijaga]

Visit Gaimin’s corporate site at: and Gaming application site at:



Ieu siaran pers. Pamiarsa kedah ngalakukeun karajinan sorangan sateuacan ngalakukeun tindakan anu aya hubunganana sareng perusahaan anu dipromosikeun atanapi salah sahiji afiliasi atanapi jasa na. henteu tanggung jawab, langsung atanapi henteu langsung, pikeun karusakan atanapi karugian anu disababkeun atanapi disangka disababkeun ku atanapi aya hubunganana sareng panggunaan atanapi gumantung kana eusi, barang atanapi jasa anu disebatkeun dina siaran pers.

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