Studi Tren Google Némbongkeun SHIB Nyaéta Crypto Pang populerna di Inggris

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Studi Tren Google Némbongkeun SHIB Nyaéta Crypto Pang populerna di Inggris

22 days ago, News wrote about a Coin Insider trends study that combed through Google Trends data in the United States. According to the report, dogecoin was the most Googled cryptocurrency in the country. Another study — published by — has covered similar data, but concentrated on the U.K.’s and Europe’s Google searches. According to the report, while bitcoin is the most popular crypto asset in Europe, the study of the trends shows that the meme token shiba inu is the most popular in the United Kingdom.

Trends Study Highlights the Most Popular Crypto Assets in Europe, UK — Bitcoin Reigns in Europe, While Shiba Inu Takes the UK

Minggu ayeuna News was sent a report from that analyzes Google Trends (GT) data over the last year in order to find out what the most popular crypto assets are in the U.K. and Europe. According to the findings, bitcoin (BTC) mangrupikeun mata uang digital anu pang populerna di Éropa sabab éta mangrupikeun crypto anu paling ditéang di 21 nagara. BTC outpaced pesaing dina ulikan, salaku asset crypto ngarah roost di nagara kawas Jerman, Finlandia, Norwégia, Polandia, Romania, jeung Bélgia.

waktu bitcoin (BTC) éta crypto luhur di sakuliah Éropah, shiba Inu (SHIB) teh cryptocurrency pang populerna di Inggris, nurutkeun kana pilarian Google dikumpulkeun panalungtik urang. The meme token SHIB nempo kanaékan signifikan dina popularitas salila 12 bulan panungtungan. Papanggihan ulikan nunjukkeun SHIB paréntah genep nagara béda jeung Britania Raya. Nyatana, SHIB ageung di Rusia, Perancis, Spanyol, Ukraina, Italia, Hungaria, sareng Swiss, dina hal milarian GT.

Salaku tambahan, ethereum (ETH) éta katilu pang populerna di ulikan nangkep minat ti Swédia, Czechia, Latvia, jeung Slovénia. Lajeng cardano (Ada) nyekel posisi kaopat dina hal data pilarian GT, sakumaha Andorra, Walanda, jeung Bulgaria némbongkeun loba minat Ada. Kalayan dogecoin (DOGE) anu pang populerna di AS, éta anu kalima di Éropa kusabab meme crypto populér di Albania sareng Yunani.

“With 38 million crypto users in Europe, and thousands of cryptocurrencies on the market to choose from, it is fascinating to see which one people are the most interested in investing in,” a spokesperson from told’s newsdesk. “Although bitcoin is the most popular overall, the interest in shiba inu has grown to surpass bitcoin in major countries such as Russia and the U.K.”

Di Amérika Serikat ulikan ieu panalungtikan diterbitkeun ku Coin Insider, shiba inu (SHIB) ngan direbut tujuh nagara bagian sakuliah nagara. Dogecoin dingaranan pamimpin dina ulikan éta salaku DOGE éta pang populerna di 23 nagara bagian di AS, dina watesan pilarian GT. Popularitas SHIB di AS, nurutkeun data dina éta laporan husus, ieu rengking kaopat crypto pang populerna di nagara éta.

What do you think about the popularity of bitcoin in Europe and the shiba inu interest in the U.K.? Let us know what you think about this research study in the comments section below.

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