CEO Grayscale Ngagariskeun Lima Tren Crypto Pikeun Dilalajoan dina 2022

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CEO Grayscale Ngagariskeun Lima Tren Crypto Pikeun Dilalajoan dina 2022

Michael Sonnenshein, the chief executive of Grayscale Investments, is laying out trends to watch as the crypto market sputters into 2022.

Sonnenshein nyebutkeun in a new letter to investors that he believes the digital economy is still in its early stages.

The CEO thinks it’s important for investors to monitor crypto’s infrastructure development in the new year.

“As the crypto economy and existing financial markets become increasingly intertwined, these are likely to provide some of the most compelling long-term investment opportunities, and Grayscale is laser-focused on identifying and providing seamless, early access to the protocols that are the backbone of this ecosystem.”

Sonnenshein also adds that it has been a challenge sorting through the proliferation of new crypto protocols.

“As we have done since 2013, we will continue to identify the most compelling opportunities and expand our offerings accordingly, both those focused on specific tokens, as well as more diversified and thematic funds.”

The Grayscale executive predicts that Web3 will see “supercharged mainstream exploration and adoption,” throughout this year, which he says presents exciting investment opportunities.

He also believes non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will continue to evolve in 2022.

“We expect to see a blending of the physical and digital worlds even further, particularly around topics, like authenticity, provenance, ownership, and more – and across sectors, including fashion, music, gaming, real estate, and ticketing.

Our team is paying close attention to the evolution of NFTs.”

Sonnenshein concludes that regulators and policymakers are more engaged with crypto right now than ever before.

“This enables the conversation to shift to how these new technologies – when provided with the appropriate regulatory frameworks – can flourish, keeping crypto companies in the United States, and setting a global standard for crypto regulation.”

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  Bantahan: Pendapat anu ditepikeun dina The Daily Hodl sanés naséhat investasi. Investor kedah ngalakukeun karajinan anu leres sateuacan ngadamel investasi anu berisiko tinggi Bitcoin, cryptocurrency atanapi aset digital. Punten diingetkeun yén transfer sareng perdagangan anjeun aya dina résiko anjeun nyalira, sareng karugian anu tiasa ditanggung mangrupikeun tanggung jawab anjeun. Daily Hodl henteu nyarankeun mésér atanapi ngajual mata uang kripto atanapi aset digital, atanapi The Daily Hodl mangrupikeun panaséhat investasi. Punten dicatet yén The Daily Hodl ilubiung dina pamasaran afiliasi.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/PandyBoy/Vladimir Sazonov/Andy Chipus

pos teh CEO Grayscale Ngagariskeun Lima Tren Crypto Pikeun Dilalajoan dina 2022 mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian