Nepangkeun Fedi, The Global Bitcoin Téhnologi nyoko

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 8 menit

Nepangkeun Fedi, The Global Bitcoin Téhnologi nyoko

Fedi enables people around the world to easily interact with and use bitcoin in a decentralized, private and simple way.

This is an opinion editorial by Obi Nwosu, full-time Bitcoin advocate and board member for ₿trust, a not-for profit organization originally conceived by Jack Dorsey and Jay-Z to fund the location, education and remuneration of Bitcoin developers from untapped parts of the world, starting with Africa.

Lofoten, Arktik Circle, Norwégia Kalér 

Who knew that a plane ride could change the future of Bitcoin?

There I was, on the way back from Lofoten in northern Norway, after an incredible and exhausting few days discussing how the Bitcoin community could support the objectives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities and human rights defender groups from around the world, and I was knackered.

Most people on the plane were fast asleep — justly so — but I couldn’t get any rest, such was my excitement reflecting on the last three days. I noticed a few people at the front having a conversation and I decided to join them. Jeff Booth, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, and Leopoldo Lopez were excitedly discussing how Bitcoin could be rolled out in the regions that their human rights defender groups operate in at scale.

I listened in on the conversation. They were explaining that with the right app, they could grow adoption of Bitcoin exponentially and in so doing help the people that they cared so deeply about.

LSM, amal, pembela HAM sareng aktivis parantos sadar yén seueur tantanganna ngagaduhan akar kauangan. Jalma anu aranjeunna nyobian ngabantosan dicegah tina ngakses ékonomi finansial global sareng dikonci nganggo mata uang rezimna - sering kalayan inflasi dua, tilu, opat atanapi bahkan lima angka - sahingga mustahil pikeun ngahemat, ngarencanakeun atanapi kabur tina belenggu moneterna.

By having simple, safe and private access to Bitcoin, anyone anywhere could have access to a currency that can’t have its inflation manipulated by any regime for their gain and to their citizens' loss. Having access to the Lightning Network would enable these people to quickly and cheaply receive money from NGOs, charities, their relatives in the diaspora or transact with international merchants and each other — all while protecting their privacy. However, existing options were too restricted such that the target users could not access them, or they were too complex and expensive or they were not designed to scale globally while protecting privacy.

With the right solution, these highly effective operators already had the facilities, knowledge and know-how needed to get hundreds, thousands, even millions of people in some of the most oppressed countries in the world to learn about Bitcoin and adopt a wallet. And if this wallet was easy enough to install and use then it would simply be a matter of letting the power of network effects do the rest. What would start with one million users would quickly become 10, then 100, and beyond. It sounded audacious but it was feasible that within a very short period, we could have one billion users on Bitcoin.

Nguatkeun alat kauangan anu sayogi pikeun komunitas tertindas sareng LSM anu ngajukeun panyababna pamustunganana nguatkeun démokrasi. Ieu pamustunganana nyiptakeun masa depan anu langkung saé pikeun nagara-nagara, berjuang dina rézim oppressive, sareng ngajantenkeun dunya janten tempat anu langkung saé, langkung adil.

Ever since meeting Elsirion at the Hacker's Congress in Prague nearly a year earlier, and discovering Fedimint for the first time, I had dedicated my time to promoting, sponsoring and ensuring its growth. Now, what was crystal clear to me was the realization that Fedimint was the technology purpose-built to make the vision of rapidly getting to a billion Bitcoiners a reality.

One of the biggest challenges to bitcoin adoption today is custody — it’s daunting for people to do self-custody, and custodial solutions pose issues including unclear and ever changing regulation or risk of loss. We need only look at some of the carita panganyarna ngeunaan diatur bursa kaleungitan, belanja, atawa risking aset konsumén maranéhanana pikeun conto cautionary. Kabutuhan pikeun solusi sapertos Fedimin langkung ageung tibatan kantos.

I've explained what Fedimint is in a previous Bitcoin Artikel majalah sareng salilana omongan kuring di Bitcoin Rajana 2022 tapi kasimpulanana, Fedimint nyaéta:

- A form of community Bitcoin dijagaan.

- It utilizes federations, a Byzantine fault-tolerant multisig wallet technology similar to Blockstream's Liquid Network).

- It’s run collectively by groups of trusted community members we call “guardians,” for and on behalf of their communities.

- Has privacy through Chaumian Ecash.

- And is closely integrated with the Lightning Network.

(detail langkung seueur tiasa dipendakan dina ramatloka jeung FAQ)

The result is a system that is simpler and more private than using an exchange or hardware wallet and that allows communities anywhere to take control of their bitcoin. Put simply, Fedimint is a form of bitcoin custody that is designed from the outset to work at global scale, enabling billions of people to receive, hold and spend bitcoin.

Kuring babagi solusi kuring jeung Jeff, Leo, sarta Lyuda sarta dina sawala nu dituturkeun, gagasan lahir pikeun Fedi, the world’s simplest, most secure and private bitcoin dompet.

Urang bakal ngagunakeun protokol hak asuh Fedimin salaku inti aman, basajan tur desentralisasi nu sagalana sejenna bakal nyambung ka. Sapertos anu penting, kedah aya antarbeungeut pangguna anu sami kuat. Abdi damel sareng jalma konci anu aub dina Fedimin pikeun ngabentuk perusahaan komérsial pikeun ngagancangkeun pangwangunan. Pikeun kamekaran global anu gancang, urang bakal ngungkit pangalaman sareng kaahlian sakelompok LSM, amal, aktivis sareng pembela HAM pikeun mawa Fedimin ka komunitasna.

When I got back to my hometown of Lisbon, Portugal, the work began. Until this point Fedimint had been progressing as an open-source protocol project with a long-term plan to build a company around commercializing the user interface. Oslo changed everything. I described my experience to Elsirion, the inventor of Fedimint and Justin Moon, the founder of one of the largest Bitcoin meetups in North America, explained the desperate need and the bold new vision. They quickly saw the key role that the Fedimint protocol would play in helping those most in need around the world and agreed to join me as cofounders.

We then reached out to every Bitcoin-focused VC in the quest for capital partners who would understand the vision and were ready to come along on the journey. The response was phenomenal. We started with Kingsway Capital, a prolific investor in technology companies serving the Global South and more recently, Bitcoin companies. I reached out to Ten 31 VC who had been long-time supporters of Elsirion, the Fedimint protocol and me. And of course, I talked to ego death capital, as Jeff Booth was a key reason why I had come up with the growth strategy that catalyzed the project. Within a week not only had we raised our target seed, we had exceeded it and had to increase it twice. Within a month, we had closed the round. Beyond our lead investors, we were also fortunate to have investments from Trammell Venture Partners, Hivemind VC, Timechain, Recursive Capital and Steve Lee.

Henteu ngan ukur dana usaha. Proyék protokol Fedimin open-source parantos narik dukungan ti rupa-rupa organisasi. Blockstream mangrupikeun anu pangheulana ngakuan poténsial sareng parantos nyeponsoran proyék éta salami mangtaun-taun sareng nembé ngémutan komitmenna. Lila saméméh nyieun hiji investasi equity, Sapuluh 31 VC geus disadiakeun hibah BTC nu signalling ka tim yen kami on hiji hal. Nu leuwih anyar, Spiral, anu mangrupa bagian ti Blok, sapuk pikeun nyadiakeun sajumlah hibah pikeun pamekar digawé full-waktu dina proyék. Yayasan Hak Asasi Manusa (HRF) parantos masihan sumbangan ka Fedimint sareng kuring gaduh Alex Gladstein tina HRF pikeun hatur nuhun pikeun ngondang kuring ka Oslo Freedom Forum, dimana ieu sadayana kajantenan, di tempat munggaran. Sarta pamustunganana, kuring kungsi nyieun tutulung leutik nuju proyek.

The reason for the rapid response — even in this period of bearish sentiment — was simple. Everyone could see that this was Bitcoin's missing link — decentralized, privacy-preserving, Bitcoin custody. Furthermore, it solved a problem for a group of people who needed it the most and it solved it in a way that would send a signal to the rest of the world and prove once and for all that Bitcoin was not only useful, but essential for making the world a better, freer place.

Dinten mitra luar biasa kuring, Elsirion sareng Justin Moon, damel sareng daptar ngembang insinyur sareng desainer protokol open-source anu berbakat, ngamuk damel sakitar jam pikeun ngajantenkeun Fedimin sareng Fedi kanyataan. Sataun ka tukang, Elsirion nebak yén anjeunna peryogi 24 bulan atanapi langkung pikeun kéngingkeun prototipe munggaran Fedimint damel. Tapi dina sababaraha bulan ti our combined talk at Bitcoin Rajana 2022, sarta panyaluran pamekar dedicated sarta berbakat anu datang ngeunaan salaku hasilna, urang boga prototipe digawé. Aranjeunna terus ngerjakeun pangwangunan, sareng dana sareng dukungan anu urang gaduh bakal ngajalankeun kamajuan protokol Fedimin sareng aplikasi Fedi langkung gancang sareng langkung gancang.

Tungtungna, kuring bakal ngagaduhan hak istimewa sareng kahormatan pikeun damel sareng sababaraha aktivis anu paling produktif sareng berprestasi di dunya. Ieu kaasup Lyudmyla Kozlovska, anu boga catetan lagu hasil defending hak jalma di Ukraina jeung Éropa pos-Soviét salaku

présidén di Buka Yayasan Dialog. Kami ogé Leopoldo Lopez, anu mangtaun-taun ngabéla kabébasan Venezuelans, sareng Amérika Latin sanés dina kaayaan rezim oppressive, sanajan éta ngarugikeun kabébasanna sorangan; Farida Nabourema, the founder of Afro Bitcoin 2022, the first West African Bitcoin conference, who speaks eloquently on the challenges of places like her home country of Togo suffering under the weight of monetary colonialism due to the colonial franc; and Fadi Elsalameen, anu geus mantuan pikeun ngaronjatkeun kasadaran tangtangan jalma hirup di Wétan Tengah. Kuring bakal gawé bareng aranjeunna pikeun ngarumuskeun gulung kaluar strategi katala pikeun tantangan unggal wewengkon nu tangtu, sarta ngagunakeun kabeungharan maranéhanana pangaweruh jeung pangalaman dina taneuh pikeun mastikeun yén Fedi dirancang pikeun minuhan kaperluan maranéhanana.

Over the coming months we will all be working in parallel to complete and roll out the first version of the Fedimint protocol, launch the Fedi app — which to our knowledge will be the first Bitcoin wallet to be built using the Metoda desain anu dipuseurkeun ku manusa anu dipelopori ku IDEO, and to plan, test and implement our rapid global growth strategy — powered by freedom-loving people around the world. Bitcoin has been waiting for a technology for global Bitcoin adoption and Fedi, powered by Fedimint, is it.

Ieu tulisan tamu ku Obi Nwosu. Pamadegan dikedalkeun sagemblengna sorangan sarta teu merta ngagambarkeun pamadegan BTC Inc atanapi Bitcoin majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah