Naha Méksiko Exchange Bitso Tukangeun Dompét Chivo Él Salvador?

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Naha Méksiko Exchange Bitso Tukangeun Dompét Chivo Él Salvador?

The mystery of the Chivo wallet persists. And Bitso comes into the picture as part of a more credible report confirmed through official channels. It seems like NewsBTC was right to doubt Forbes’s article about BitGo being behind the Chivo wallet.  This Reuters report, on the other hand, comes with specific information and quotes confirming the news. For example:

"Kami ngarepkeun damel sareng El Salvador dina inisiatif anu bakal ngarobih struktur pamayaran sareng ningkatkeun inklusi kauangan di nagara éta," saur Santiago Alvarado, wakil presiden Bitso pikeun Usaha.

Bacaan Patalina | Bitcoin Harga Bloodbath: Naha El Salvador mangrupikeun Acara "Jual Berita"?

Sanaos éta tiasa dianggap nyéépkeun, éta henteu ngarujuk kana dompét Chivo sacara khusus. Sakedik inpormasi ieu, di sisi anu sanés, ngan ukur ngabayangkeun.

"Bitso nyarios yén éta bakal damel sareng Silvergate Bank, bank anu diatur federally AS sareng bank anu disewa nagara California, pikeun ngagampangkeun transaksi dina dolar AS."

Basana nunjukkeun yén aranjeunna nuju ngobrolkeun bisnis.

El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to make Bitcoin legal tender, and today, we’re proud to announce that Bitso is committed to building and developing El Salvador’s vision of Bitcoin by being the core crypto-service provider for Chivo.Let’s #MakeCryptoUseful

— Bitso (@Bitso) September 7, 2021

Upami Bitso aya di tukangeun dompét, Naon urusanna sareng BitGo?

On the other hand, in the BitGo report, the language suggested otherwise. The quote from BitGo’s CEO was non-comital and it all sounded like a paid press release. NewsBTC questioned:

"Kalima anu paling pikahariwangeun, kumaha ogé, nyaéta "Forbes parantos diajar El Salvador sigana parantos ngetok ..." Aranjeunna henteu ngalakukeun nanaon di dieu. Éta "némbongan" ku cara kieu, tapi teu aya anu pasti.

However, could both companies be involved? Reuters says Bitso will be “the core service provider for Chivo.” Forbes said that BitGo would “provide Chivo’s wallet infrastructure and security platform.” Are both of these statements contradictory? Or are both of these giant companies behind the controversial Chivo wallet?

A funny detail is that Bitso’s name was present in the leak of the Chivo wallet’s architecture that our sister site Bitcoinist reported on. BitGo’s name wasn’t. And Athena was at the center of the whole operation. Still, it’s a funny detail.

One thing’s for sure, Strike seems to be completely out of the picture. In a recent Twitter thread, Strike’s CEO Jack Mallers clearly said “Strike has no business relationship with Chivo wallet or any of their ATMs.”

All that was needed was interoperability with the #Bitcoin jaringan.

Strike has no business relationship with @chivowallet or any of their ATMs.

We simply both integrated and operate on top of the same, singular, payment standard that is #Bitcoin sareng Jaringan Kilat.

— Jack Mallers (@jackmallers) September 7, 2021

Mallers seems to be perfectly fine with the situation. “With the Bitcoin network, there is one singular, open standard for the world,” he says later on in the thread. 

BTC price chart for 09/10/2021 on Bittrex | Source: BTC/USD on Remittances Are The Key

In the days prior to the Bitcoin Law coming into effect, Bitcoinist quoted the executive president of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, Dante Mossi. He said their eyes were on remittances and that:

“Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are the countries that would have the most to gain if the adoption of bitcoin lowered the cost of sending remittances.” All countries in his organization’s area of influence.

Instead of focusing on how much Salvadorans are going to get back, a recent report about how much Western Union is going to lose with El Salvador’s Bitcoin move recently made the news. About it, Bitcoinist said:

"Jeung bitcoin though, the middleman, in this case, Western Union and the likes, are completely removed from the process. The funds sent go directly to the recipient without the need for a processing fee to a third party. It is estimated that these remittance companies are set to lose about $400 million a year when remittances are routed through bitcoin gantina.”

Related Reading | Bitso Raises Over US$1.85m to Boost Mexican Bitcoin Kaluputan

As it turns out, remittances are Bitso ’s specialty. The company processed “more than $1.2 billion in remittances between the United States and Mexico in 2020.” In the article, Reuters quotes Santiago Alvarado again:

"Salaku bursa crypto ngarah di daérah, kami bungah pikeun nyangking pangalaman dina kiriman duit sareng dina jasa finansial anu aman sareng gesekan rendah ka Salvadorans."

Janten, ieu sadayana masuk akal. Masih, misteri dompet Chivo terus.

Featured Image by Thomas Jarrand on Unsplash - Charts by TradingView

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