Miami Mayor Says City Will Give Every Citizen Bitcoin Dividends

By Bitcoinist - 2 sababaraha taun ka pengker - Reading Time: 2 menit

Miami Mayor Says City Will Give Every Citizen Bitcoin Dividends

Walikota Rajana Francis Suarez is a big supporter of Bitcoin, recently telling FOX Business that he would be taking his salary in BTC. He’s also making it more attractive for citizens of Miami to get involved in the cryptocurrency by promising to be “the first city in America” to give a BTC yield paid out “as a dividend directly to its residents.”

Miami Residents To Get Bitcoin Dividends For Signing Up For Digital Wallet

Bitcoin price is hovering around former all-time highs near $65,000, but it is still the talk of the town – or more specifically, city. The cryptocurrency is making a big splash di Rajana, sarta walikota kota urang rék nyieun pisan pikaresepeun pikeun warga nyekel sababaraha.

Holdings Bitcoin already offers plenty of benefits, such as there only being a handful of days that exist presently where buying has resulted in a losing ROI. However, according to comments from Walikota Rajana Francis Suarez sakumaha dilaporkeun ku Anthony Pompliano, populasi kota ampir satengah juta warga bisa mungkas nepi narima BTC sakumaha dividends.

Bacaan Patalina | Key Quotes And Ideas From The Bitcoin 2021 Konférénsi Di Rajana

Numutkeun tweet Pomp urang, Kota Rajana bakal mayar dividends langsung ka warga ngaliwatan dompét digital nu pamaké kudu ngadaptar pikeun.

Pamayaran dividen mangrupikeun insentif pikeun ngalakukeunana. Di pasar saham, dividen mangrupikeun pamayaran rutin anu dilakukeun ka para pemegang saham perusahaan tina kauntungan anu dihasilkeun. Teu acan écés kumaha ieu bakal dianggo pikeun kota Rajana jeung cryptocurrency ngarah ku cap pasar.

Bitcoin continues to grow | Source: BTCUSD dina

Balapan Mayoral Mimitian Ngahurungkeun Kota-Kota AS Janten Crypto Hubs, Naon Salajengna?

Suarez is just one of several US city mayors that have pledged to accept their salaries in part or in full, in BTC. Miami has become a home to the cryptocurrency, supporting konferensi usum panas taunan jeung leuwih.

Not to be outdone, mayor-elect of New York City, Eric Adams, claimed to take his first three paychecks in Bitcoin, and plans on turning the city into a cryptocurrency hub.

Bacaan Patalina | U.S. Mayor Wants To Give Everyone $1,000 In Bitcoin

Jackson, Tennessee Mayor Scott Conger and Tampa, Florida Mayor Jane Castor both have similar ideas to make their respective cities a hub where Bitcoin becomes the norm.

Di tingkat walikota, Bitcoin mania is spreading. Aya ogé sababaraha pendukung di DPR sareng Sénat. Sabaraha lami dina titik ieu dugi ka tingkat nagara gubernur, atanapi bahkan Présidén nyalira?

Di sakumna dunya di belahan bumi anu sami, Présidén El Salvador Nayib Bukele ngagaduhan sababaraha kali bought the dip in Bitcoin. Naha Biden tiasa janten salajengna?

ngiringan @TonySpilotroBTC dina Twitter atanapi gabung Telegram TonyTradesBTC pikeun wawasan pasar poean ekslusif jeung atikan analisis téhnis. Punten dicatet: Eusi atikan sareng henteu kedah dianggap nasihat investasi.

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