Montenegro Joins Hands With Ripple To Pilot First National Digital Currency — Huge Boost to XRP?

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Montenegro Joins Hands With Ripple To Pilot First National Digital Currency — Huge Boost to XRP?

Ripple, the digital payment network, has partnered with Montenegro to help the small Southeast European nation develop its digital currency. The country’s prime minister, Dr Dritan Abazović, tweeted about the pilot project with Ripple on January 18, 2023, which did not go unnoticed by XRP enthusiasts.

Ripple To Develop National Stablecoin For Montenegro

Montenegro has commenced the creation of a digital currency following a collaboration with the global payments company Ripple. The nation’s Prime Minister, Dr. Dritan Abazović, announced his meeting with Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Ripple Vice President for Central Bank Engagement James Wallis via a tweet written in Bosnia.

Tarjamahan leupas tina dua bagian utas Twitter na berbunyi: "A productive meeting with Ripple CEO Garlinghouse and Ripple Vice President of Central Bank Engagement James Wallis. We talked about developing a payment infrastructure that would enable greater financial accessibility and inclusion. Montenegro is open to new value and investment.”

The Montenegrin Prime Minister added that the nation is teaming up with Ripple on a pilot project for a national digital currency: “In collaboration with Ripple and the Central Bank, we have launched a pilot project to build the first digital currency or stablecoin for Montenegro,” he said.

Monténégro jadi calon kaanggotaan di Uni Éropa (EU) dina bulan Désémber 2010 jeung hungkul jeung Brussel dibuka dina 2012. Salaku eta nangtung kiwari, aplikasi na can disatujuan. Mangkaning, Euro dipaké di Monténégro, sanajan teu dina kapasitas lembut légal.

Naha Proyék Ngalibetkeun XRP?

Ripple has become increasingly active in the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) since piloting vérsi pribadi tina XRP Ledger dina Maret 2021, nyayogikeun platform pikeun bank sentral di sakumna dunya pikeun ngaluarkeun mata uang digitalna sacara aman. Partnerships jeung Otoritas Moneter Karajaan Bhutan jeung Républik Palau diumumkeun bulan engké.

Perusahaan blockchain ngadorong langkung keras kana rohangan CBDC, tapi bakal XRP janten bagian tina proyék CBDC? Ieu patarosan existential penting. Sajauh mana XRP ledger atanapi malah XRP cryptocurrency bakal maénkeun peran dina poténsi mata uang digital Montenegro masih teu dipikanyaho.

The SVP and MD at Ripple, Brooks Entwistle, memorably noted during a recent interview that “there are places where we can play, maybe with a sidechain to the XRP ledger. We may help with the interoperability across this, but it’s going to be different for every single central bank.”

Samentara éta, Ripple has been busy putting to bed its long-standing legal dispute with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over whether XRP tokens were sold via an unregistered securities offering. Ripple chief Brad Garlinghouse expects the case to be concluded in the first half of 2023.

XRP ayeuna dagang di ngeunaan $0.401, nurutkeun data CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency kagenep-panggedena turun 3.05% kiwari tapi geus ngaapresiasi ku 16.6% leuwih 30 poé panungtungan.

Looking ahead, we’re likely to hear more news of Ripple partnering with new countries to develop digital currency strategies. But will this unlock mainstream adoption of XRP as the majority of central banks integrate the token into their CBDCs? That much the future holds.

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