Russia One Step Closer To Using Bitcoin, Crypto In International Trade as Central Bank, Finance Ministry Agree On Draft Bill

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 2 menit

Russia One Step Closer To Using Bitcoin, Crypto In International Trade as Central Bank, Finance Ministry Agree On Draft Bill

The two regulators have agreed on a draft bill saying that using bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is necessary for international trade amid the current climate.

The Russian Ministry of Finance and its central bank have agreed on a draft bill allowing bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments for international trade settlements, per a report from Russian news outlet Tass.

The bill “as a whole writes out how cryptocurrency can be purchased, what can be done with it, and how cross-border settlements can or cannot be made," said Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev.

perjangjian nuturkeun saméméhna laporan in which Moiseev stated it was impossible for Russia to conduct international trade without the use of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies due to current circumstances concerning sanctions.

Sanajan kitu, Bank Rusia masih opposes legalisasi séntral cryptocurrency jeung padumukan di cryptocurrencies dina Rusia, per laporan.

Sentimen bank sentral terus ngagambarkeun bédana pendapat antara régulator sareng pejabat pamaréntah di Rusia.

Kawas diwartakeun saméméhna ku Bitcoin Magazine, the initial tagihan proposing a framework for digital assets was presented earlier this year by the Russian government which encouraged a ban on bitcoin mining. However, the Ministry of Finance rebutted with a tagihan sorangan nu ngan disebut pangaturan stricter spasi. Présidén Vladimir Putin harita ngumumkeun pangrojongna pikeun RUU Kementrian nyarioskeun kaunggulan kalapa Rusia sareng sumber daya alam.

Ti saprak éta, Menteri Energi sareng jasa Pajak Federal gaduh commented ngeunaan kumaha bitcoin can help small businesses or alluded to interdepartmental conversations on the matter of international trade.

Ivan Chebeskov, diréktur pasar stabilitas finansial pikeun Kamentrian Keuangan Rusia saméméhna ngajelaskeun yén aya seueur deui "jalma anu sami-sami" dina perkawis éta.

"Oge, abdi terang yen aya deputies di Duma Nagara anu aktip dina aktipitas topik ieu, meureun bakal inisiatif maranéhanana," jelas Chebeskov. 

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