SEC Probes Binance — BNB Could Be Unregistered Security: Report

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SEC Probes Binance — BNB Could Be Unregistered Security: Report

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reportedly investigating Binance's BNB token, which could be an unregistered security. If the cryptocurrency is found to be a security, it could put Binance in a similar position to Ripple Labs which has been in an ongoing lawsuit with the SEC over the sale of the XRP tanda.

SEC Investigates Binance's BNB Crypto

The U.S. SEC is investigating whether Binance Holdings Ltd. breached securities laws when it conducted an initial coin offering (ICO) of the BNB token lima taun ka tukang, Bloomberg dilaporkeun Senén, citing jalma akrab jeung zat.

Lamun watchdog kaamanan manggihan yén BNB sale in 2017 was an unregistered security offering, Binance could be put in a similar position as Ripple Labs which has been in an ongoing gugatan kalawan SEC leuwih diobral tina XRP token saprak Désémber 2020. SEC ngaklaim yén XRP nyaeta kaamanan a.

Sanajan kitu, hiji usik penegak SEC ngalibetkeun BNB kamungkinan bulan jauh tina kasimpulan naon waé, saur salah sahiji jalma.

Binance told the news outlet: “it would not be appropriate for us to comment on our ongoing conversations with regulators, which include education, assistance, and voluntary responses to information requests.” However, the company stressed that it will “continue to meet all requirements set by regulators.”

Di AS, Binance operates under The global crypto exchange clarified that sareng Binance.US “are separate entities.” independently issued a statement, emphasizing that it was “committed to upholding the highest standards of compliance.”

Bursa crypto nyanghareupan sababaraha panyilidikan di Washington, publikasi anu disayogikeun. Di sagigireun nalungtik mungkin abuses dagang by Binance insiders, the securities regulator is also probing pausahaan nyieun pasar kabeungkeut kana Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ).

BNB ayeuna teh cryptocurrency kalima-panggedena ku dimodalan pasar. Dina waktos nyerat, hargana $294.35. Koin murag 11% dina Senén nalika warta ngeunaan panalungtikan SEC peupeus tapi saprak geus regained sababaraha karugian na.

Kumaha saur anjeun ngeunaan probing SEC Binance jeung BNB? Hayu urang terang di bagian koméntar di handap ieu.

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