Béntang Tangki Hiu Kevin O'Leary ngaharepkeun 'Trillion Dollars' Ngalir kana Bitcoin

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Béntang Tangki Hiu Kevin O'Leary ngaharepkeun 'Trillion Dollars' Ngalir kana Bitcoin

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, expects a “trillion dollars” more to flow into bitcoin in the next couple of years. He also sees cryptocurrencies becoming an institutional asset class. “We don’t know when but it is definitely going to come. It’s not going away,” he said.

Kevin O’Leary Sees Trillion-Dollar Opportunity in Bitcoin

Kevin O’Leary talked about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in an interview on CNBC’s Capital Connection, published Monday.

"Kuring bullish on crypto," O'Leary mimiti, nambahan yén anjeunna ogé bullish on keuangan desentralisasi (defi). Nyebutkeun Komisi Sekuritas sareng Bursa AS (SEC) ngadorong deui ngalawan produk nginjeumkeun Coinbase, cenah: "Éta hiji slowdown dina naon bener munculna salaku spasi pisan metot." Mr. Wonderful nekenkeun:

Kami hoyong régulator leres-leres nyandak sababaraha kaputusan ngeunaan crypto, sabab teu aya urang anu aya dina jasa kauangan hoyong leres-leres janten koboi ngeunaan ieu. Abdi henteu hoyong aub dina crypto upami régulator nyarios éta henteu kunanaon.

"Kuring teu mampuh janten off-side. Abdi teu tiasa mampuh henteu patuh,” sambungna.

Ngarujuk kana bitcoin in particular, the Shark Tank star said: “If the regulator finally allowed financial services companies to call it an asset, put it into an ETF [exchange-traded fund] in the United States, like they have in Canada and other countries, I’d figure there’d be another trillion dollars worth of buying into bitcoin. And we don’t have that yet, but that’s the opportunity.”

Mr. Wonderful ngajelaskeun:

Jigana dina ahir poé, dina sababaraha taun ka hareup, éta bakal kajadian. Éta pisan sababna naha aya pisan dipikaresep.

Dina arus BTC price, the bitcoin market capitalization is $850.20 billion, based on data from Bitcoin.com Pasar.

O'Leary nambihan yén sadaya investor institusional hoyong terang "iraha sareng kumaha" régulator bakal di sisi crypto sareng iraha aranjeunna nganggap cryptocurrencies salaku "kelas aset institusional." Anjeunna nyatakeun: "Kami henteu terang iraha, tapi éta pasti bakal sumping. Éta moal kabur."

Mr. Wonderful also revealed his intention to increase his crypto holdings, stating:

I want to raise my exposure to crypto — currently at 3% — to 7% by the end of the year.

What do you think about Kevin O’Leary’s comments about bitcoin and crypto? Let us know in the comments section below.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin.com