Disahatkeun Bitcoin on Ethereum Crosses $ 11 Milyar Notional, WBTC Paréntah 76% tina suplai sirkulasi

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Disahatkeun Bitcoin on Ethereum Crosses $ 11 Milyar Notional, WBTC Paréntah 76% tina suplai sirkulasi

According to data on August 7, there’s 253,510 bitcoin-pegged or wrapped tokens worth more than $11 billion in value on the Ethereum blockchain. Out of the seven different bitcoin-pegged projects, the Wrapped Bitcoin protocol has 194,023 bitcoin-pegged ERC20 tokens in circulation.

Over 250K Tokenized Bitcoin In Circulation Split Between 7 Ethereum Projects, Binance Smart Chain’s Bitcoin-Peg Reaches 73K Issued

Ethereum (ETH) ucul leuwih zona $ 3K dina nilai on Sabtu, sakumaha protokol hasil ditingkatkeun on August 5. ETHpangajen pasar 's geus miboga jumlah signifikan tina dominasi dina watesan $ 1.78 triliun crypto-ékonomi nangkep 20% tina nilai nu on Sabtu.

Aset crypto ogé parantos kéngingkeun langkung ti 700% ngalawan dolar AS salami 12 bulan terakhir. Seueur ieu dikaitkeun kana kauangan desentralisasi (defi), token non-fungible (NFTs), sareng sajumlah ageung platform bursa desentralisasi (dex). leuwih taun kamari.

Jumlah tokenized bitcoin on Ethereum on August 7, 2021.

In addition, the Ethereum network houses the most bitcoin (BTC)-pegged tokens out of all the blockchain projects today. However, other blockchain projects are catching up fast as the BTC-pegged token (BTCB) issued on the Binance Smart Chain is around 73,111 BTCB (lainwise known as BEP2) in circulation today.

Harga BTCB atanapi BEP2 tanggal 7 Agustus 2021, jam 3 (EDT).

Besides the Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) project, BTCB does have more BTC-pegged tokens than the latter six BTC-pegged Ethereum-based projects combined. dibungkus Bitcoin (WBTC) mangrupikeun proyék anu didukung ku Bitgo sareng dinten Saptu, aya 194,023 WBTC dina sirkulasi bernilai $ 8.4 milyar, numutkeun Dune Analytics. statistik. Éta leuwih ti 76.3% tina sakabéh suplai token BTC-pegged housed on Ethereum.

HBTC Nears 54% of BTCB Issued — Lightning, Liquid and RSK Represent 2.8% of the Tokenized Bitcoin dina Ethereum

Proyék token BTC-pegged ERC20 sanésna kalebet HBTC (39,906), RENBTC (13,559), SBTC (3,039), PBTC (1,766), IMBTC (1,146), sareng TBTC (872). Pikeun babandingan, HBTC sakitar 54% tina jumlah total token BTCB anu dikaluarkeun dina jaringan BSC.

While tokenized bitcoin on Ethereum crosses $11 billion notional during the first week of August, dex platforms are allowing users to gather yields from their BTC via pools likuiditas. Sajumlah platform dex ngamungkinkeun pamaké pikeun nyadiakeun liquidity sarta mangtaun ngahasilkeun ngamangpaatkeun tokens kawas WBTC, SBTC, HBTC, BTCB, sarta token RENBTC. Sababaraha aplikasi dex luhur ngamungkinkeun tokenized BTC utilitas sapertos dagang sareng kolam renang likuiditas kalebet Uniswap, Sushiswap, Paraswap, sareng 0x API.

Disahatkeun bitcoin on Blockstream’s Liquid sidechain is around 2,939.47 LBTC keur bulan Agustus. Data tina sidechain RSK nunjukkeun kira-kira 2,020 RBTC dina waktu nulis. Samentara éta, aya ogé 2,300 BTC dina mindahkeun nilai dina Jaringan kilat dina 7 Agustus.

What do you think about the amount of bitcoin housed on the Ethereum chain today? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin.com