Top analis Crypto nyebutkeun usulan AS Crypto Pertambangan alus keur Bitcoin Pasar, Nyangka tuluyan ka $40,000

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Top analis Crypto nyebutkeun usulan AS Crypto Pertambangan alus keur Bitcoin Pasar, Nyangka tuluyan ka $40,000

A widely followed crypto analyst says he thinks he knows what’s fueling Bitcoinurang (BTC) most recent upward rally.

padagang Crypto Michael van de Poppe ngabejaan his 653,200 Twitter followers that he expected more downside out of BTC than he’s currently seeing.

“Bill to propose Bitcoin mining in the US is a positive thing for the markets, probably fueling the upwards rally.

Expected more downside, but broke through $27,700 and clearly going for the highs, have to see how we stand there.”

Sumber: Michael van de Poppe / Twitter

Van de Poppe had previously diperkirakeun BTC to be on the downtrend after yesterday’s Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) papanggihan.

“Powell stated the obvious. He needs to continue hiking the interest rates, while he’ll add more to the balance sheet to save banks. 

Bitcoin corrects and I think we’ll go down some more. It’s not a great recipe to go bullish into a FOMC event.”

After yesterday’s FOMC meeting, Van de Poppe ceuk the jobless numbers were good for the US Dollar Index (DXY). The DXY is an index measuring the strength of the US dollar against a basket of assets, in this case, crypto assets. Generally speaking, a strong DXY means weaker crypto assets.

“Jobless claims more positive than expected; 191k vs 197k. 

Good for Powell, good for DXY.”

Though the analyst pikiran BTC would correct, the king crypto’s movements in the last 24 hours now lead Van de Poppe to believe that Bitcoin could be on its way to $40,000.

“We’re still in the vacuum of relief, the ‘Echo’ bubble. 

The period where the potential process of pausing hikes remains to be bullish and there’s no clear recession, until reality kicks in.

diperkirakeun Bitcoin to correct to $25,300, but it was $26,200 and now continue to $40,000.”

BTC bernilai $28,492 dina waktos nyerat.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/QalexanderK/Konstantin Faraktinov

pos teh Top analis Crypto nyebutkeun usulan AS Crypto Pertambangan alus keur Bitcoin Pasar, Nyangka tuluyan ka $40,000 mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian