Track Me If You Can — How Bitcoin Forward-Looking Anonymity Sets Work

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 13 menit

Track Me If You Can — How Bitcoin Forward-Looking Anonymity Sets Work

Whirlpool gives a certain level of privacy when using bitcoin, and forward-looking anonymity sets are a measure of how well hidden you are.

Hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan Whirlpool "sét anonimitas maju" — balaréa dimana anjeun nyumput.

Pikeun tanggal anjeun bisa jadi wawuh jeung palaksanaan Whirlpool CoinJoin nu sadia dina Dompét Samourai aplikasi mobile, atawa Dompét Sparrow desktop app. When you participate in a Whirlpool CoinJoin you gain privacy by collaborating in a multiparty transaction which leaves anyone looking on-chain scratching their head while trying to decipher where your bitcoin geus indit.

A Whirlpool CoinJoin is just like any other bitcoin transaction, made up of inputs and outputs. However each input is provided by a different bitcoin wallet, and each output is returned to one of the participating wallets. This transaction is organized by Samourai Wallet’s central Whirlpool coordinator, all the time without the coordinator knowing which input belongs to which output (“blinded”), and without you ever giving up custody of your bitcoin.

Let’s say it’s the end of the month and I’ve just been paid by my employer. Before I spend any of my bitcoin I first wish to use Whirlpool to gain some forward-looking privacy. After all, the bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger and I feel it my right for my employer to not know what I get up to in my private life, including them knowing my spending habits.

Kuring asup Whirlpool, nyadiakeun salah sahiji inputs tur ilubiung dina transaksi nu Sigana mah kieu:

5 x Input UTXOs.5 x Output UTXOs. Each input UTXO belongs to one of the five participating wallets.Each output UTXO belongs to one of the five participating wallets. All output UTXOs are equal.

Niténan on-chain mustahil pikeun nangtukeun mana salah sahiji tina lima outputs milik. Alesan naha éta "teu mungkin" sabab sagala Tumbu deterministik pegat antara input jeung kaluaran sisi urus. Janten upami dunungan kuring anu licik mutuskeun yén aranjeunna badé nyobian sareng nénjo kabiasaan belanja kuring saatos dibayar, aranjeunna bakal ningali yén kuring "asup" Whirlpool sareng ayeuna kedah nganggap kuring nyumput dina riungan lima, leres? Nya, kuring tiasa nyumput dina riungan anu langkung ageung ti lima. Lebetkeun set anonimitas maju Whirlpool…

Whirlpool Maju-Neangan Anonymity Sets

When you use Whirlpool, depending on the pool size you choose, your bitcoin is broken up into smaller pieces in one of the following denomination sizes: 0.5 BTC, 0.05 BTC, 0.01 BTC, or 0.001 BTC. Due to Whirlpool’s architecture, outputs which remain in these pool denomination sizes are free to be remixed at no additional cost to the user (more on that later).

Saatos campuran munggaran abdi, upami abdi atanapi salah sahiji remix peers campur kuring, riungan nu Kuring keur nyumput di (set anonymity hareup-pilari) naek ti lima ka salapan.

Kuring kaluaran sarua UTXO teu perlu remix keur riungan nu Kuring keur nyumput di tumuwuh. Naha éta UTXO kuring anu remixes atanapi salah sahiji peers campur kuring, teu aya deui jalan pikeun ngabejaan on-ranté nu UTXO ti campuran munggaran geus remixed. Aya ayeuna salapan kaluaran sarua disambungkeun ka campuran munggaran kuring, jadi dunungan spionase kuring bakal kudu nganggap kuring bisa jadi salah sahiji aranjeunna.

Grafik salajengna ieu nunjukkeun kumaha balaréa dimana kuring nyumput tiasa tumbuh tanpa kuring remixing. Saatos campuran munggaran kuring, UTXO kuring, bunderan beureum, tetep dina ukuran denomination Whirlpool kolam renang na teu acan remixed. Sanajan kitu, dua peers campur kuring geus terus remix sarta kiwari aya opat deui CoinJoins pakait sareng campuran munggaran kuring. Pikeun ngitung set anonymity maju anyar kuring, di dieu kuring bakal ngitung UTXOs kaluaran anu sami (bunderan jeruk) ditambah UTXO kaluaran anu sami (bunderan beureum) sareng kuring sumping ka riungan 21.

Dina ranté bunderan oranyeu teu bisa dibédakeun tina bunderan beureum kuring, ku kituna dunungan kuring kedah ngudag sadayana 21 kalungguhan anu béda upami aranjeunna hoyong ngalacak kuring ti saprak "ngalebetkeun" Whirlpool. Sanaos aranjeunna nyobian ngajaga tab, aranjeunna henteu tiasa nyarios kalayan pasti anu mana tina 21 UTXO kuring.

Kumaha Remixing Gratis?

Sateuacan ngabahas langkung jauh ngeunaan set anonimitas anu maju sareng ningali sababaraha conto dunya nyata, pikeun anu henteu terang éta patut ngarecah persis kumaha remixing gratis di Whirlpool.

Nalika anjeun mimiti "asupkeun" Whirlpool, Samourai atanapi Sparrow Wallet anjeun nyiarkeun naon anu disebut "Transaksi Zero," atanapi Tx0 kanggo pondokna. Ieu mangrupikeun pra-transaksi sateuacan "luncat dina kolam renang," sareng ngalaksanakeun tilu hal:

Pra-campuran UTXO / s: breaks up your bitcoin into smaller-denomination UTXOs, plus a little extra.Fee Pool Maneuh: mayar Samourai atanapi Sparrow Wallet pikeun koordinasi transaksi Whirlpool.Robah Doxxic: returns to you any bitcoin which is too small to be mixed. This is called doxxic as it is still associated with the previous history your bitcoin has.1

Tingali di dieu di dunya nyata Tx0 ieu dina panjelajah blok ieu:

Transaction ID: bcb4d9dfde37215f2ede6142c651981e22f70e549c03cd341a71dffe8b2dce57 oxt.abdi (double-click on the blue circle to expand the transaction, then zoom out)mempool.spasi

Dina grafik di handap ieu dicatet yén 3 x premix UTXOs geus dijieun di Tx0 ieu, sadayana dipiboga ku dompét sarua jeung takdir pikeun tiap dicampurkeun dina 0.001 kolam renang. Catetan ogé unggal UTXOs ieu nilai rada leuwih ti ukuran kolam renang dipilih. Tahan éta pamikiran!

It’s worth mentioning here a highly important aspect of a Tx0; management of Doxxic change. Doxxic change is your bitcoin which still holds any previously associated history, however is too small to be Whirlpooled1. The Tx0, by design, returns the Doxxic change to a different area in your wallet than your bitcoin which has been mixed. This means it is impossible to shoot yourself in the foot by accidentally creating a transaction in the future where you spend your mixed bitcoin in the same transaction as your Doxxic change. Doing so would unwind the privacy benefits of CoinJoining.

Ayeuna anjeun siap nyampur. Hiji-hiji UTXOs pre-mix anjeun dipilih ku koordinator Whirlpool pikeun ilubiung dina CoinJoin kahiji maranéhanana. Salah sahiji pre-mix UTXO anjeun bakal janten salah sahiji tina lima input dina transaksi CoinJoin.

The Whirlpool coordinator also organizes a second pre-mix UTXO to participate (“peer pre-mix UTXO”)2. This additional peer pre-mix UTXO is from another user’s wallet which has just gone through the same process you have when you entered Whirlpool. Remember how when you create your transaction zero your bitcoin is broken up into multiple pool-size denominated UTXOs, plus a little extra? Well if you add up the “little extra” of the pre-mix UTXO and the peer pre-mix UTXO, that is what pays the miner fees for the CoinJoin transaction. In the graphic below the amount to be paid to the bitcoin miners is 907 sats plus 907 sats, totaling 1,814 sats.

Ayeuna waktuna remixer pikeun caang. Koordinator Whirlpool milih acak tilu remixing UTXOs nu geus undergone campuran kahiji maranéhanana. Tilu remixing UTXOs linggih dina dompét masing-masing sareng anu penting tetep dina "kapasitas anu teu dibébaskeun" Whirlpool sabab teu acan dibalanjakeun ku anu gaduhna. Salami dompét anu aya hubunganana online komunikasi sareng koordinator Whirlpool, aranjeunna layak pikeun remixing.

Ku kituna pikeun recap:

Your pre-mix UTXO: pays for CoinJoin miner feesPeer pre-mix UTXO: pays for CoinJoin miner feesRemixing UTXOs: participates in the CoinJoin for free (also termed a “freerider”)

Once the CoinJoin has been organized between five separate wallets, the transaction is broadcast to the Bitcoin network automatically. Five inputs into the transaction have been destroyed, creating five fresh indistinguishable equal outputs. All equal outputs are now eligible for remixing if their owners so please.

Sanajan remixing UTXOs disebut "freeriders," aranjeunna integral kana arsitektur Whirlpool urang teu ukur nyadiakeun anonimity maju-looking pikeun pre-mixers anu mayar waragad panambang urus CoinJoin, tapi maranéhna ogé ngaronjatkeun set anonymity maju ka hareup pikeun maranéhanana. tara gaul saméméhna.

Éta ogé penting pikeun dicatet yén UTXOs Anjeun (naha hiji pre-campuran, atawa hiji remixing) bakal salawasna dicampurkeun dina urus CoinJoin sorangan. Sababaraha UTXOs dina dompét anjeun moal pernah dicampurkeun dina urus Whirlpool CoinJoin sarua babarengan, sabab ieu nyadiakeun jaminan anon-set pangalusna sarta ogé nyegah pamaké atawa éntitas Sybil narajang Whirlpool.

TLDR: The liquidity anyar "ngasupkeun" Whirlpool nyertakeun fee pertambangan keur unggal transaksi Whirlpool CoinJoin. Jalma UTXOs anu geus "asup" Whirlpool sarta geus undergone campuran kahiji maranéhanana (mayar fee kolam renang tetep ditambah fee panambang) teu mayar satoshi tunggal leuwih pikeun ilubiung dina remixes, salami aranjeunna tetep dina ukuran denomination kolam renang maranéhanana / kapasitas unspent. .

Whirlpool Maju-Neangan Anonymity Sets Terus

Téori sadayana saé sareng saé, tapi kumaha anjeun salaku pangguna Whirlpool tiasa ngitung ukuran riungan anu anjeun nyumput? Coba nganggo Visualizer grafik transaksi OXT pikeun milarian transaksi campuran CoinJoin munggaran anjeun, teras:

Manually expand each output which is remixed.Mark in orange any UTXO which is unspent (remaining in a Whirlpool pool-size denomination).Mark in orange any UTXO which is spent (leaving Whirlpool).

Tambihkeun garis oranyeu pikeun kéngingkeun set anonimitas anjeun (33 dina conto ieu di handap).

This works well for smaller numbers, but Whirlpool mixes occur frequently (average of 211 mixes per day in the 0.001 pool so far during 2022). Manually counting forward-looking anonymity sets can quickly become impossible. Queue Whirlpool Stat Tool ...

Whirlpool Stat Tool

Whirlpool Stats Alat was made by the Samourai Wallet developers to allow users to verify themselves the anonymity sets which are achieved by using Whirlpool. Using a set of python scripts, it quickly calculates the forward-looking anonymity set for you. Enter in a transaction ID for your first mix and it'll tell you the size of the crowd you're hiding in since your Whirlpool CoinJoin occurred.

Kusabab kuring ngajalankeun a titik RoninDojo, Whirlpool Stats Alat tos dipasang sareng gampang dianggo ku nuturkeun pituduh dina aranjeunna wiki.

Nganggo alat dina 93 dinten ka pengker kuring ngawaskeun set anonimitas maju tina ID transaksi Whirlpool CoinJoin ieu:


Let's see how large the crowd its participants are hiding in is:

28 dinten saatos campuran: set anonimitas payun = 1,644

35 dinten saatos campuran: set anonimitas payun = 6,722

93 poé sanggeus campuran: maju-pilari anonymity set = 35,214 (sakumaha ditémbongkeun dina Whirlpool Stats Alat on RoninDojo abdi handap).

Hiding in a crowd of 35,000 it is now impossible (dare I say it) for anyone, including a chain surveillance company, to determine where the original mix participant's bitcoin is. Perhaps they've already left Whirlpool and spent their bitcoin, or maybe they have stuck around to get free remixes.

Anu kuring mendakan pikaresepeun ngeunaan ID transaksi khusus ieu nyaéta dina waktos nyerat tulisan ieu, salah sahiji outputs tetep unspent (kawas bunderan beureum tina grafik saméméhna). Kaluaran anu teu diséépkeun ieu tetep ku cara kieu ti saprak transaksi dikonfirmasi kana blok 728,735 dina 24 Maret 2022.

Even though this UTXO has not moved, it has benefited from Whirlpool's architecture as three of the other participants went on to remix. This allowed this unspent output of 0.001 BTC to gain a larger forward-looking anonymity set without remixing itself. If none of the outputs from this transaction went on to remix, the forward-looking anonymity set would remain at five.

It's important to remember that all deterministic links are broken after one mix, but you get greater privacy benefits if you, or other peers remix. Let’s look at some more forward-looking anonymity set stats from some CoinJoins ...

Langkung seueur conto anonimitas anu diteangan di hareup Whirlpool

ID Transaksi:
Dua dinten saatos campuran: set anonimitas payun = 77

ID Transaksi:

Tujuh dinten saatos campuran: set anonimitas payun = 380

ID Transaksi:


Sapuluh dinten saatos campuran: set anonimitas payun = 1,466

Pertanian Privasi

Sanggeus ngasupkeun Whirlpool campuran munggaran anjeun gancang, sarta CoinJoin anjeun geus ilubiung dina geus digawé salaku dirancang ku megatkeun sakabéh Tumbu deterministik. Ayeuna anjeun badé kéngingkeun sababaraha remix gratis tapi naroskeun "Sabaraha remix anu kuring ngarepkeun dina saminggu?" Ieu patarosan umum ditanya ku pamaké Whirlpool anyar anu naively ukur cacah gains privasi maranéhanana dina watesan sabaraha siklus campuran unggal UTXOs maranéhna geus milu dina.

Remixing tangtosna ningkatkeun set anonimitas anjeun ka hareup, tapi tong hilap yén babaturan campuran anu sanésna ogé ningkatkeun privasi anjeun ogé.

"Tapi sabaraha remix anu kuring ngarepkeun dina saminggu?!" Saméméh ngajawab, urang kudu mertimbangkeun di handap:

New users who enter Whirlpool pay for the CoinJoin cycle. So only when new liquidity comes into Whirlpool do you have a chance at remixing.Other users (“freeriders”) are also waiting to get free remixes. The Whirlpool coordinator selects freeriders at random to participate in remixes, so there is somewhat of a competition as everybody wants to be picked.Each Whirlpool pool size has different behavior characteristics.

Hayu urang ngajajah ieu hiji-hiji.

Ieu mangrupikeun frékuénsi siklus CoinJoin mingguan per ukuran kolam renang pikeun 2022.

Unsurprisingly kolam renang 0.001 BTC teh kolam renang paling aktif dina watesan count siklus.

Sabaraha kompetisi freerider aya dina unggal pool? Pikeun kéngingkeun stat ieu (sareng seueur anu sanésna kalebet frékuénsi siklus) anjeun tiasa nganggo Telegram Whirlbot.

For each CoinJoin the Whirlpool coordinator picks three freeriders at random to participate.2

Salaku freerider a aya leuwih kompetisi dina pools leutik, kalawan siklus CoinJoin leuwih sering. The pools gedé boga sabalikna, kompetisi freerider kirang, kalawan siklus CoinJoin kirang sering.

Tungtungna hayu urang balikkeun pikiran urang kana karakteristik kabiasaan unggal kolam renang dumasar kana pamakéan Whirlpool sajarah. Upami anjeun parantos lami janten pangguna Whirlpool, anjeun sigana bakal perhatikeun kolam renang anu langkung alit anu paling sering dianggo unggal dinten kalayan aliran likuiditas anu tetep. Upami kuring nebak, ieu kusabab aranjeunna mangrupikeun panghalang panghandapna pikeun asupna sareng paling dipikaresep dianggo pikeun belanja sapopoé. The pools gedé di sisi séjén, sanajan ampir pernah sepi, tingali puncak badag tur troughs of liquidity anyar - sarta lamun hujan, éta pours.

Janten ayeuna anjeun ngartos yén remix anu anjeun tingali dina saminggu gumantung kana likuiditas énggal anu lebet Whirlpool, pamilihan acak ku koordinator, sareng karakteristik ukuran kolam renang anu anjeun anggo. Dumasar rata-rata pamakean Whirlpool dugi ka ayeuna salami 2022 dompét anjeun kamungkinan bakal nampi naon waé tina 5-25 remix per minggu. Padahal seleksi koordinator téh acak, jadi Anjeun bisa dina téori meunang kirang atawa leuwih, jeung nu masih bakal digolongkeun salaku normal.

One way to consider all of this is that awaiting remixes is like yield farming for bitcoin privacy, and those who are patient and continue to keep their bitcoin remixing until they need to spend in the future are being paid interest in the form of increased anonymity. Patience pays.

Ngabogaan hak Pikeun Remix 24/7

Pikeun janten freerider anjeun hoyong dompét anjeun tiasa komunikasi sareng koordinator Whirlpool 24/7. Ku cara éta nalika campuran bakal lumangsung, anjeun gaduh kasempetan pikeun dipilih ku koordinator pikeun dilebetkeun salaku remixer. Ku kituna anjeun bakal hoyong ngalakukeun salah sahiji di handap ieu:

Ninggalkeun layar jasa Whirlpool kabuka sarta aktip dina Anjeun Aplikasi mobile Samourai Wallet. This is the least practical and some Android devices can kill background services, so some but not all users have positive results achieving remixes this way.Run the aplikasi desktop Whirlpool GUI on your computer (linked to your Samourai Wallet). This is by far the lowest barrier to entry option for Samourai users, and has greater reliability for connections over the Tor network. By leaving your computer turned on, with the Whirlpool GUI desktop application running, you’re eligible for remixing.Run a titik RoninDojo. After linking your Samourai Wallet to your node’s backend, you can turn off your phone or computer and you’ll always be eligible for remixing. A slightly larger barrier to entry, but the benefits far outweigh the hurdles.Mix on the Aplikasi desktop Sparrow Wallet. Sparrow ngahijikeun Whirlpool kana parangkat lunak dompétna dina Séptémber 2021, ngabagi kolam renang likuiditas anu sami sareng pangguna Dompét Samourai. Sparrow boga kabeungharan fitur sejenna sarta ogé ngidinan Anjeun pikeun nyampur ka gudang tiis. Pikeun remixing eligibility, pastikeun komputer anjeun tetep on kalawan aplikasi Sparrow jalan.

Kapasitas Whirlpool Unspent: Ukuran Leres Kasuksesan Whirlpool?

Whirlpool unspent capacity is the current amount of bitcoin which has mixed, not been spent and is eligible for remixing. You can monitor this metric in dasbor Clark Moody urang:

Anjeun oge bisa meunangkeun ngarecahna kapasitas unspent per ukuran kolam renang ngagunakeun Bitcoin KPIs website. To me the Whirlpool unspent bitcoin value is interesting, and with it remaining above 4,000 BTC for the last seven months shows a level of confidence in Whirlpool and Samourai/Sparrow’s wallet software. What I find more interesting is the volume coming in and out of Whirlpool over the last 30 days (shown in Clark Moody’s dashboard as “Tx0 Volume” and “Spent Cycle Output” respectively). This is what feeds the privacy gains that Whirlpool provides, for both the new liquidity entering, and the freeriders remixing, even if there is a deficit between the two values. Samourai Wallet is branded “a bitcoin wallet for the streets,” and their founders are advocates of actually using bitcoin rather than “HODLing to the grave.” Monitoring these large flows of bitcoin go in and out of Whirlpool shows there is demand for forward-looking privacy when making on-chain transactions, of which Whirlpool is successful in achieving for its users.

Care About Your Bitcoin Privacy? Read More

The Easiest Way To Whirlpool Your Bitcoin And Preserve Privacy - Bitcoin Magazine article by Econoalchemist.

Bitcoin Privacy Series - tujuh video bubuka pondok.

pangertian Bitcoin Privacy with OXT – runtuyan artikel opat-bagian.


1. pikeun kaperluan ngajelaskeun aliran Whirlpool dina artikel ieu, titik ieu geus disederhanakeun. Parobihan ogé tiasa dipulangkeun ka anjeun upami jumlah anu anjeun badé kirimkeun ka Whirlpool langkung luhur wates maksimal anu dikuatkeun ku koordinator Whirlpool. Diskon kaluaran fee kolam renang koordinator, kolam renang 0.001 BTC ngabogaan 25 x UTXO wates maksimum Tx0, sarta 0.01 BTC / 0.05 BTC / 0.5 BTC kolam renang ngabogaan 70 x UTXO wates maksimum Tx0.

2. pikeun kaperluan ngajelaskeun aliran Whirlpool dina artikel ieu, titik ieu geus disederhanakeun. Sanaos paling umum pikeun transaksi Whirlpool CoinJoin diwangun ku dua UTXOs pre-mix, éta ogé mungkin pikeun transaksi Whirlpool CoinJoin janten tilu UTXOs pre-mix.

This is a guest post by Brother Rabbit. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah