While Others Try To Tokenize Everything, Bitcoin Stores Value

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 3 menit

While Others Try To Tokenize Everything, Bitcoin Stores Value

Tokenization of real-world assets on other blockchains just perpetuates the financial issues that Bitcoin hopes to fix.

Ieu mangrupikeun redaksi opini ku Mickey Koss, lulusan West Point sareng gelar ékonomi. Anjeunna nyéépkeun opat taun di tentara leumpang sateuacan ngalih ka Korps Keuangan.

Paménta pikeun tokenizing aset kawas real estate sanes solusi pikeun, tapi rada gejala, masalah anu duit goréng perpetuates. Real estate kudu diréduksi jadi nilai utilitas na salaku padumukan atawa tempat bisnis, tinimbang dipaké salaku toko tina nilai ku proxy lamun urang kantos miharep pikeun ngajawab gap tumuwuh dina kateusaruaan kabeungharan.

pos LinkedIn, Maret 2023

Blockworks disorot ieu "kamajuan" in technology without properly addressing the potential side effects that widespread asset tokenization may cause. In the comments section, tokenization is touted as a means for individuals who are unable to purchase a home of their own to participate in the real estate market. But why are houses so expensive in the first place?

Kusabab aranjeunna dianggo salaku toko nilai, fungsi tilas artos fiat anu teu mungkin deui kusabab sababaraha dekade fiskal sareng alkimia moneter anu parantos ngirangan kakuatan beuli masarakat.

Tokenizing assets like real estate will only make matters worse as crowds shove money into the market, driving prices higher. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People buy houses because they know the prices will go up, then the prices do go up and more demand comes in to chase the gains. Every investor following their individual incentives puts owning a home further out of reach for the average citizen. This is not a solution.

Salajengna, "blockchain" ngan saukur buku besar, atanapi catetan anu gaduh naon. Kalayan khususna Ethereum, teu aya tautan anu bermakna ka dunya nyata anu bakal ngamungkinkeun penegak kontrak asli, nyegah tarikan rug tina panyekel token ieu. Sakabeh sistem pamustunganana ngandelkeun penegak hukum warisan sareng sistem peradilan pikeun nanggung hak milik para investor ieu - sistem anu katingalina beuki mumusuhan. tindakan penegak ngalawan industri crypto writ badag.

Bitcoin adoption is fundamentally different, a fact that crypto folks seem to misunderstand completely. Rather than mindlessly tokenizing assets, Bitcoin seeks to fix the monetary issues that drive a desire to do so in the first place. By serving as an actual store of value, bitcoin will drain the monetary premium that real estate has accrued over the past decades due to the broken monetary system. Under a bitcoin standard, housing will ultimately collapse to its utility value, making houses affordable once more to the everyday citizen.

Tokenisasi mangrupikeun perpetuasi sanés tina sistem ayeuna dina bungkus peer-to-peer palsu, nyamar salaku inovasi kauangan. Entong ngantepkeun hal anyar anu ngagurilap ngaganggu anjeun tina anu rusak. Ngalereskeun duit, sarta sakabeh hal ieu jadi euweuh hartina.

This is a guest post by Mickey Koss. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah