While Speculators Believe Bitcoin’s Third-Largest Wallet Is a Mystery Whale, Onchain Data Suggests It’s an Exchange

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While Speculators Believe Bitcoin’s Third-Largest Wallet Is a Mystery Whale, Onchain Data Suggests It’s an Exchange

Hargana bitcoin has dipped below the $60K zone, a number of people have been talking about the third-largest bitcoin address called “1P5ZED” which has accumulated thousands of bitcoin during the last few days. Nobody knows who the owner of the wallet is but it holds more than 111,359 bitcoin, as it’s been steadily accruing bitcoin since the wallet’s first transaction on February 5, 2019. While some assume the address is a mega bitcoin whale, onchain data indicates that the wallet could be tied to an exchange.

A Myriad of Tales Tied to the Third Largest Bitcoin Wallet Speculate the Address Is a Whale That ‘Bought the Dip’

Bitcoin's nilai fiat geus volatile sarta éta salah sahiji jalma jaman dimana dulur pilari jawaban kana naha BTC has slid in value. For instance, on November 10, bitcoin (BTC) slid from a $69K all-time high (ATH) and five days later, it was coasting along in the mid-$65K to $66K per unit range. Since the crypto asset’s ATH, bitcoin is down 16% in value and slid under the $60K zone. Of course, the volatility sparked pangawas lauk paus jeung jalma ngobrol kira-kira bitcoin whale transactions happening in real-time.

Panggedena katilu Bitcoin whale just
meuli dip!- meuli a
jumlahna aya 1.123 BTC (72 Juta
USD) dina harga $64k #BTC #buythedip #cryptobrothers #Ethereum #SHIB #cryptotrading https://t.co/RWA5hIj02A

— Crypto Bros. (@CryptoBroUK) November 13, 2021

Bitcoin whales are individuals or organizations with large sums of BTC jeung lauk paus ogé bisa rupa-rupa ukuran. Gumantung kana saha anjeun nanya, BTC paus tiasa individu atawa organisasi nu boga 1,000, 10,000, 50,000, and 100,000+ bitcoin. Hiji éntitas nu nyepeng leuwih ti 100,000 BTC would be considered a “mega-whale,” and there are only three bitcoin addresses in existence with 100,000 BTC atawa leuwih. Top lima pangbadagna BTC dompet nahan mana antara 84K nepi ka 288K BTC, and three of those wallets are marked or tagged as exchanges.

lately, publikasi crypto jeung maéhan jalma dina média sosial jeung panglawungan, geus spekulasi about the actions of the third-largest bitcoin wallet. The conversation has been trending jeung loba jalma percanten yén lauk paus badag "meuli dip nu," bari harga BTC slipped. Bitcoin.com News has seen a few sightings lauk paus badag ogé Ditengah BTC hitting fresh new price highs nine days ago. Although the whales our news team discovered stemmed from mined bitcoin block rewards from over a decade ago.

Onchain Data and Cluster Spending Shows the Third Richest Bitcoin Address Belongs to a Crypto Exchange

The third-largest bitcoin (BTC) alamat mimiti dijieun dina 5 Pébruari 2019, nalika eta narima fraksi leutik tina BTC. Tujuh dinten saatos, data onchain nunjukkeun dompét anu diala 1,119 BTC on February 12, 2019. The wallet address “1P5ZED” doesn’t look like an individual bitcoin holder and the transactions 1P5ZED has processed look more like exchange activity from a crypto trading platform. As mentioned above, three out of the top five BTC addresses are flagged as being associated with cold wallets belonging to Binance, Bitfinex, and Okex.

1P5ZED ngagaduhan sadaya tanda-tanda anu aya hubunganana sareng bursa sareng éta henteu dipikanyaho pasti, tapi parantos ditandaan dina sababaraha kali. alamat geus narima loba BTC salila dua taun panungtungan sarta aya kalana spends BTC ogé. 1P5ZED urang transaksi have very little privacy according to statistics from blockchair.com, as the block explorers privacy tool indicates most of its transactions are done with a very low preference for privacy. Most of 1P5ZED’s transactions have a “critical” to “low” privacy rating in terms of the level of traceability. The transactions suffer from vulnerabilities such as matched addresses and inputs and outputs that are often similar.

#Bitcoin 's third largest non-exchange whale address (1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ) has bought a total of 3038 BTC dina bets salila opat poé padeukeut saprak 16th, kalawan harga rata-rata kurang leuwih $59744.22


— CoinCarp (@coincarpcom) November 19, 2021

Block Explorer Annotations Further Suggest 1P5ZED Belongs to an Exchange

Dina blok explorer oxt.abdi, the address 1P5ZED has notes associated with it, which explain that the address could be tied to an exchange. The first annotation on oxt.me about 1P5ZED says it was submitted by a person named “TEJAS” on November 22, 2020. The individual writes it “could be Bittrex” and also leaves a link in the annotation as well. The article linked references a 717 BTC transfer anu disangka dilaksanakeun antara Bittrex sareng 1P5ZED.

The second annotation on the block explorer oxt.me was added by “ERGOBTC” on July 14, 2020. The note says the “address source suggests Gemini or Coinbase.” This led our investigation down to parsing 1P5ZED’s transactions during the last two months. Blockchain parsing data shows that 1P5ZED transacts quite a bit with the BTC wallet address known as “1FzWLk.” Nalika 1FzWLk seueur transaksi sareng 1P5ZED, 1FzWLk ogé ditandaan ku catetan on oxt.me about the address being associated with an exchange.

The 1FzWLk annotation was also submitted by ERGOBTC, on the same day the second annotation was applied to 1P5ZED. “[1FzWLk] annotated as Okex by Whale Alerts. Though source and cluster spending suggest closer ties to Coinbase and Gemini,” annotation details. While it’s not certain 1P5ZED (which acts like an exchange cold wallet) and 1FzWLk (which acts more like a hot wallet) belong to a trading platform, there’s a lot more supporting evidence that shows 1P5ZED is likely owned by an exchange.

Naha anjeun pikir 1P5ZED mangrupakeun alamat lauk paus acak atawa anjeun pikir eta milik hiji bursa? Hayu urang terang naon anu anjeun pikirkeun ngeunaan topik ieu dina bagian koméntar di handap.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin.com