White House Suggests Banning Proof-of-Work Mining Used By Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 2 menit

White House Suggests Banning Proof-of-Work Mining Used By Bitcoin

The report discusses bitcoin’s energy use and its negative effects on the environment while suggesting possible executive action in the future.

Per Présidén Biden urutan eksekutif, the White House Office of Science and Technology submitted its report on bitcoin mining’s climate impact.The report alludes to possible executive orders and legislation from congress to “limit” or “eliminate” proof-of-work mining. Some of the cited resources have been criticized for biases to certain industries and spreading misinformation.

The White House Kantor Élmu sarta Téknologi ngarilis a laporan meunangkeun bitcoin mining negatively impacts the environment and hints towards banning proof-of-work.

"Pamakéan listrik tina aset digital nyumbang kana [émisi gas rumah kaca], polusi tambahan, bising, sareng dampak lokal sanésna, gumantung kana pasar, kawijakan, sareng sumber listrik lokal," maca laporan éta.

The first section of the report serves as an introduction while also hinting towards banning proof-of-work mining, which is used to mine bitcoin, if regulatory action fails to influence U.S. climate goals.

"Sakuduna ukuran ieu ngabuktikeun teu epektip dina ngurangan dampak, Administrasi kedah ngajajah lampah eksekutif, sarta Kongrés bisa mertimbangkeun panerapan, pikeun ngawatesan atawa ngaleungitkeun pamakéan mékanisme konsensus inténsitas énergi tinggi pikeun crypto-asset pertambangan," per laporan.

Salajengna, dokumén ngajalajah kumaha pertambangan tiasa mangaruhan jaringan listrik.

The Office of Science and Technology asserts that bitcoin mining facilities create added stress on the power grid that leads to blackouts, fire hazards, and equipment deterioration. The report also claims that bitcoin miners will raise the average electricity cost for local consumers.

"Gumantung kana inténsitas énergi tina téhnologi dipaké, crypto-aset bisa ngahalangan usaha lega pikeun ngahontal net-enol polusi karbon konsisten kalayan commitments iklim AS jeung tujuan," maca laporan.

Finally, the last section concludes that there are ways in which bitcoin mining can actually benefit U.S. climate goals, although this is a much smaller section.

"Pertambangan [Buktina-karya] anu masang alat-alat pikeun ngagunakeun métana vented pikeun ngahasilkeun listrik pikeun operasi langkung dipikaresep ngabantosan tinimbang ngahalangan tujuan iklim AS," per laporan.

Sanajan kitu, eta sia mentioning, tina sumber dicutat dipaké dina laporan ieu, loba didebat jeung sababaraha peneliti geus narima kritik pikeun bias ekstrim atawa misinformation.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah