kunaon Bitcoin’s Most Important Quality Is Decentralization

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 4 menit

kunaon Bitcoin’s Most Important Quality Is Decentralization

All of the unique benefits and attributes that make bitcoin valuable are underpinned by the network’s decentralized consensus.

This is an opinion editorial by Neil Jacobs, a Bitcoin advocate, educator and content creator.

Bitcoin’s most important quality is decentralization. In the Bitcoin kertas bodas, Aya leuwih ti belasan rujukan pikeun nyoplokkeun trust di entitas sentral. Desentralisasi jauh ti lembaga keuangan éta Satoshi Nakamoto’s front-page motivation for creating Bitcoin: “allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.”

Hanjakalna, sakabéh industri crypto kawas DAOs, DeFi, sarta DEXs geus appropriated istilah desentralisasi kana saeutik leuwih ti buzzword pamasaran.

Fans modérn cryptocurrencies jarang ganggu nanya naon hartina desentralisasi deui. Malah akronimna ngajauhan kagiatanana tina klaim desentralisasi anu bermakna. Langkung saé pikeun masarakat nganggap yén Organisasi Otonom Desentralisasi sacara bermakna aya, sabab, naha, DAO mangrupikeun akronim anu populér. Tangtos akronim kedah ngajelaskeun hal anu bermakna ngeunaan rébuan tina éntitas anu ngatur milyaran dolar anu kecap sipat utamana "desentralisasi".

Sanajan kitu, desentralisasi téh kacida hésé pikeun ngahontal jeung ngajaga. Nakamoto ngawangun jaringan pembayaran anu cukup desentralisasi jauh ti pihak katilu anu dipercaya saatos usaha anu teu cekap dilakukeun ku cryptographers anu sanés, ngaku karyana dina catetan kaki kertas bodas.

Tingali, ampir sadayana ngeunaan blockchain ningkat kalayan sentralisasi.

Tim terpusat tiasa ningkatkeun kagancangan, kapasitas panyimpen, fungsionalitas sareng responsif. Tim terpusat ngaminimalkeun birokrasi, ngalereskeun bug gancang, ngirangan biaya, ningkatkeun antarmuka pangguna, ngabales kasempetan bisnis sareng hadir pikeun pencét sareng patarosan komunitas. Blockchain terpusat sok langkung mirah sareng langkung gancang.

Acan blockchains anu diatur sacara sentral teu aya kakurangan.

It is because of decentralization that someone puts a considerable amount of their wealth into Bitcoin. It is critically important to understand why this quality matters.

Decentralization is the only thing that provides Bitcoin with credible scarcity. All other coins are controlled by an oligopoly or small group of insiders. They can make — and change — the rules.

As Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in the white paper, a common way to build a double-spend-resistant financial network is, “to introduce a trusted central authority, or mint, that checks every transaction for double spending.” Indeed, centralizing trust in authority is the cheapest, most convenient way to transact online. Bitcoin, in contrast, requires no trust in any central authority.

Salaku conto, ICO Ethereum tos ditambang. Malah kiwari, ngan opat éntitas pangawasan the private keys to the majority of staked Ethereum: Coinbase, Lido, Kraken and Binance.

Kusabab pembuatan kaputusan ngeunaan jadwal penerbitan Ethereum jadi terpusat, suplai hareup na teu kanyahoan. Pimpinna analis urang ngirakeun ngeunaan nalika suplai ETH bakal sarua 100 juta bentang mana ti lima nepi ka 38 taun.

insiders Ethereum Yayasan sababaraha kali nyangsang bom kasusah jangji na tanpa sora masarakat, nu dirobah issuance suplai ETH urang. aranjeunna cicingeun diaktipkeun puluhan garpu teuas tanpa aya bewara komunitas anu lulus unilaterally dina sababaraha jam.

ngan Bitcoin parantos langkung 14,000 fully validating, archival node operators that enforce bitcoin’s 21 million hard cap. Because operating a full Bitcoin node is so cheap, new operators join the network daily.

Fully validating, archival nodes secure Bitcoin. Securing Bitcoin means enforcing consensus rules about what is included and added to the blockchain. Consensus is when everyone agrees on who owns what. ngan full nodes can enforce consensus and provide credible scarcity over Bitcoin’s supply.

margi Bitcoin has always prioritized low-cost node operation, it has allowed for, by far, the largest and most distributed network of people reaching consensus without trusting any third party. Fully validating, archival nodes ensure that no one double-spends bitcoin and that its 21 million supply cap persists.

Full nodes allow anyone to send and receive bitcoin without trusting any central party.

Desentralisasi ngamungkinkeun konsensus tanpa ancaman kekerasan, panjara atanapi perampasan sipil. Proyék séjén ngan saukur nganggo kecap salaku labél pikeun ngahindarkeun patarosan ngeunaan oligopoli pangendalina.

Salaku Satoshi Nakamoto nulis dina Oktober 2008, "Anu diperlukeun nyaéta sistem pembayaran éléktronik dumasar kana bukti cryptographic tinimbang kapercayaan, sahingga mana wae dua pihak daék transact langsung saling tanpa merlukeun pihak katilu dipercaya."

Today, nearly 14 years later, Bitcoin remains a decentralized payment network. It opts for inefficient decentralization on purpose. This unrivaled quality makes it the only technology for transacting online tanpa merlukeun pihak katilu dipercaya.

This is a guest post by Neil Jacobs. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah