Pro-Bitcoin Calon Présidén Javier Milei Angkatan Pamilihan Run-Off

By Bitcoin Majalah - 6 sababaraha bulan kapengker - Waktos Bacaan: 2 menit

Pro-Bitcoin Calon Présidén Javier Milei Angkatan Pamilihan Run-Off

In a surprising twist in Argentina's presidential election, pro-Bitcoin candidate Javier Gerardo Milei has emerged as a formidable contender, forcing a run-off election against current Economy Minister Sergio Massa after the first round of voting.

Javier Milei, a libertarian economist who has vowed to shut down the nation's central bank and expressed support for Bitcoin, managed to secure 31.2% of the vote, a remarkable achievement for a candidate with limited prior political exposure. 

Milei's passionate advocacy for economic reform have resonated with a significant portion of the electorate. In August, Milei won the most votes in the country's primary election, a fact owed to the nation's ongoing economic crisis.

In past remarks, Milei has said he will address Argentina's chronic economic woes, a message struck a chord with disillusioned voters. Argentina's annual inflation rate was 124.4% in August, tingkat pangluhurna saprak 1991.

Pamilihan run-off anu bakal datang, dijadwalkeun pikeun 19 Nopémber, bakal ningali Milei nyanghareupan Sergio Massa, anu kéngingkeun 46.7% sora dina babak kahiji, tapi luput ambang mayoritas anu diperyogikeun pikeun ngaku kameunangan langsung. Pikeun meunang langsung, boh calon kedah ngaku 40% tina sora, sareng mingpin lawan politikna ku 10% tina sora, kusabab aturan pamilihan.

The outcome of the run-off could have a profound impact on Argentina's economic policies and its role in the global cryptocurrency landscape.

Investors and crypto enthusiasts worldwide are closely watching this electoral showdown, anticipating its potential implications on the adoption of Bitcoin, and whether the nation could follow El Salvador's landmark legal tender law, which in 2021 made the cryptocurrency a payment method across the country.

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