analis Crypto Saha ngaramal Bitcoin (BTC) Kacilakaan Handapeun $ 23,000 Boga Siaga Anyar pikeun Padagang Crypto

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

analis Crypto Saha ngaramal Bitcoin (BTC) Kacilakaan Handapeun $ 23,000 Boga Siaga Anyar pikeun Padagang Crypto

The popular crypto analyst who accurately predicted current market woes is now cautioning investors that Bitcoin (BTC) is likely to fall further.

The pseudonymous padagang Capo ngabejaan his 409,300 Twitter followers he sees no indication that BTC has reached a cycle bottom around the $20,000 level.

“Based on what you read on Twitter, you may think that the market is recovering very well. But the charts show:

BTC price below $21,000. Lower highs everywhere. Hidden bearish divergences everywhere. No bottom formation.

I’m not buying yet.”

Capo warned dina Maret Bitcoin was likely to fall 50% from its $44,000 price tag.

Tukang dagang gigireun nyebutkeun that while he does foresee lower Bitcoin prices, he also expects the bottom to be reached soon.

“This is important. Do I expect another leg down and new lows? Yes.

Is it worth it to short here? No.

Bottom is not in yet, but it is close [in my opinion]. The moment to open shorts was some weeks ago, not now. Now [is] the moment to get ready to buy when the next leg down ends.”

Capo oge nyadiakeun a chart hypothesizing a corection to below $16,000 is “still in play.”

sumber: Capo / Twitter

Dina waktos nyerat, Bitcoin nyaéta up 3.51% jeung dagang keur $21,241.

When it comes to the broader altcoin market, the analyst biasa a chart of the governance token of the decentralized exchange Ganti Sushi (SUSHI), which he says represents his sentiments on non-BTC crypto assets. He predicts altcoins will eventually lurch upwards but only after prices fall a bit more in the near term.

“One thing is clear: many altcoins are on a bearish parabola.

Parabolas, when broken, cause large corrections (in this case upwards).

The parabolas are not over yet though, but almost.”

sumber: Capo / Twitter cek harga Aksi

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    Bantahan: Pendapat anu ditepikeun dina The Daily Hodl sanés naséhat investasi. Investor kedah ngalakukeun karajinan anu leres sateuacan ngadamel investasi anu berisiko tinggi Bitcoin, cryptocurrency atanapi aset digital. Punten diingetkeun yén transfer sareng perdagangan anjeun aya dina résiko anjeun nyalira, sareng karugian anu tiasa ditanggung mangrupikeun tanggung jawab anjeun. Daily Hodl henteu nyarankeun mésér atanapi ngajual mata uang kripto atanapi aset digital, atanapi The Daily Hodl mangrupikeun panaséhat investasi. Punten dicatet yén The Daily Hodl ilubiung dina pamasaran afiliasi.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Slava Gerj

pos teh analis Crypto Saha ngaramal Bitcoin (BTC) Kacilakaan Handapeun $ 23,000 Boga Siaga Anyar pikeun Padagang Crypto mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian