Co-Founder Dogecoin Mibanda Harepan Luhur pikeun Milyuner Elon Musk's New AI Venture, Nyauran Éta 'Memang Menarik'

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Co-Founder Dogecoin Mibanda Harepan Luhur pikeun Milyuner Elon Musk's New AI Venture, Nyauran Éta 'Memang Menarik'

The co-founder of the popular memecoin Dogecoin (Doge) has enthusiasm for billionaire Elon Musk’s new artificial intelligence (AI) project.

Earlier this week, Musk dibuka his artificial intelligence startup project, xAI, as a means of competing with chatbot ChatGPT, a prominent AI tool.

According to Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015, the firm that created ChatGPT, the maksud of xAI is to “understand reality.”

Responding to Musk, DOGE co-founder Billy Markus, also known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on Twitter, ceuk that the xAI project seems promising.

“This is gonna be really interesting, especially with it being trained on Twitter. I hope I can put it on ‘internet keyboard warrior’ mode and have pointless arguments with it.”

According to a Reuters report, Musk further elaborated his vision of the project in a Twitter Spaces event on Wednesday morning, saying that instead of overtly programming morality into the artificial intelligence, he plans to make it “maximally curious” as a means of keeping it safe.

“If it tried to understand the true nature of the universe, that’s actually the best thing that I can come up with from an AI safety standpoint. I think it is going to be pro-humanity from the standpoint that humanity is just much more interesting than not-humanity.”

Previously, Musk had warned that AI could one day cause “civilizational destruction,” according to the report.

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pos teh Co-Founder Dogecoin Mibanda Harepan Luhur pikeun Milyuner Elon Musk's New AI Venture, Nyauran Éta 'Memang Menarik' mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

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