Jalur Ethereum Pikeun Pamulihan: Analis Nyorotkeun 3 Faktor Konci anu nunjuk ka booming harga

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Jalur Ethereum Pikeun Pamulihan: Analis Nyorotkeun 3 Faktor Konci anu nunjuk ka booming harga

Michael van de Poppe, a prominent crypto analyst, recently outlined three key factors that could herald a bullish phase for Ethereum, the second-largest crypto by market capitalization. One crucial factor he identifies is Bitcoin’s current behavior.

The analyst pointed out that as the market leader, Bitcoin’s recent signs of bottoming out tend to precede altcoin rallies, hinting at a potential upswing for Ethereum. Moreover, Van de Poppe highlights the growing anticipation surrounding spot Ethereum dana bursa-traded (ETFs).

According to Van de Poppe, the increasing buzz about these spot ETFs is a significant catalyst that could drive Ethereum’s value over the coming weeks.

Additionally, Ethereum is on the cusp of rolling out critical network upgrades. These updates, aimed at reducing transaction costs by up to 90%, are expected to improve the network’s efficiency and scalability significantly.

Moméntum nuju $ ETH sigana bakal datang dina sababaraha minggu ka hareup.

Argumen: - #Bitcoin bottoming kaluar mangrupakeun pemicu pikeun altcoins a ngajalankeun anyar. - hype Ethereum Spot ETF. - Ethereum ngaluncurkeun pamutahiran énggal pikeun ngirangan 90% tina biaya. pic.twitter.com/N8bDi52F8M

- Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) Januari 25, 2024

Latest Update On Ethereum Deacon Upgrade

Regarding updates, Ethereum’s development team is making strides with the upcoming Dencun upgrade, a significant “hard fork” that aims to enhance the blockchain’s efficiency.

Tim Beiko, a core Ethereum developer, updated the community earlier today on the progress. Dencun, which incorporates “proto-danksharding,” is set to reduce transaction costs on layer 2 solutions, making Ethereum more accessible and affordable for users.

According to the developer, the upgrade is scheduled to activate on the Sepolia testnet on January 30 and the Holesky testnet on February 7, with mainnet implementation following if these tests succeed.

Langkung testnet blobs on jalan .oO

Dencun bakal ngaktipkeun on Sepolia 30. Jan, sarta dina Holesky 7. Pebruari Lamun ngajalankeun hiji titik dina jaringan boh, ayeuna éta waktu pikeun ngamutahirkeun eta!

Anggap duanana ieu lancar, mainnet salajengna https://t.co/QbEUACix2S

— timbeiko.eth (@TimBeiko) Januari 25, 2024

Brighter Future Ahead

Despite these positive developments, Ethereum’s market performance mirrors the overall bearish sentiment in the crypto market, led by Bitcoin. ETH geus katempo hiji Turunna 13.7% in the past week, currently didagang di $2,216.

However, analysts like Van de Poppe urge caution, particularly regarding the impact of the Bitcoin spot ETF. While there may be short-term selling pressure, Van de Poppe remains optimistic about the long-term prospects.

The analyst suggests that the influx of new capital from diverse market participants could propel Bitcoin, and by extension, Ethereum, to new heights.

The markets need to be more accurate with the impact of the ETF.

There’s some selling pressure in the short term, but in the long term, a massive amount of new money flows into the markets from new participants.

Salaku hasilna, #Bitcoin might push higher this cycle than we think.

- Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) Januari 25, 2024

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