Dua Leutik-Cap kaulinan Altcoins Ujug-ujug ngabeledug 98% atawa leuwih Salaku Bitcoin (BTC) jeung Ethereum (ETH) Candak Breather

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Dua Leutik-Cap kaulinan Altcoins Ujug-ujug ngabeledug 98% atawa leuwih Salaku Bitcoin (BTC) jeung Ethereum (ETH) Candak Breather

A pair of gaming altcoins are getting the royal treatment as crypto investors flock to their native tokens.

While the leading crypto assets Bitcoin (BTC) jeung Ethereum (ETH) are trading sideways, the nostalgic fantasy pixel art game DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) is shining emerald green after nearly doubling in price.

Blockchain-based DeFi Kingdoms is a newer player in the GameFi niche, which combines decentralized finance (DeFi) with the metaverse.

The JEWEL token was built on the tengtrem blockchain and went live last September. It’s used for buying in-game NFT (non-fungible token) characters called “Heroes,” staking and voting in governance. Harmony’s native token ONE is used for gas fees.

Karajaan DeFi has skyrocketed in price over the past week, ramping up by 98.5% from a low of $4.95 to a peak of $9.83. JEWEL is currently trading for $9.60.

Also making major gains is the medieval-themed metaverse battle game League of Kingdoms, whose native token LOKA first went live on January 24th.

The massively multiplayer online (MMO) game goes beyond the traditional strategic fighting game format by employing blockchain features such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that serve as plots of land for the project. In addition, the protocol’s governance will be determined by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

On top of governance, LOKA can be used for in-game purchases, minting or upgrading NFT assets, and staking holdings to earn rewards.

Numutkeun proyék éta whitepaper,

“Not only can gamers own these Lands, but also gather resources on the Lands and mint them into NFTs to trade.

Sadaya aset anu token ieu ditransaksikeun sacara transparan sareng teu amanah sareng didagangkeun di sakuliah blockchain, tanpa perantara.

Liga Karajaan surged by 131% this week, leaping from $2.40 to a new all-time high of $5.11 earlier today.

LOKA has since corrected but remains up 75.28% in the last 24 hours and is priced at $4.87.

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Gambar Pilihan: Shutterstock / KumaSora / Nikelser Kate

pos teh Dua Leutik-Cap kaulinan Altcoins Ujug-ujug ngabeledug 98% atawa leuwih Salaku Bitcoin (BTC) jeung Ethereum (ETH) Candak Breather mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian