Bitcoin Är fysiskt: bitar och bytes måste bo någonstans

By Bitcoin Tidskrift - 6 månader sedan - Läsningstid: 6 minuter

Bitcoin Är fysiskt: bitar och bytes måste bo någonstans

Sunda pengar är pengar som inte är benägna att plötsligt förnedras. Samtalet kring sunda pengar har nått en kritisk punkt, med tanke på den nuvarande osäkerheten i det globala finansiella landskapet.

The spiraling debt of sovereign nations have heightened concerns about currency debasement. In contrast to fiat, which can be created out of thin air, sound money is linked to tangibility: it is something you can touch, weigh, and stow away. There's a growing chorus of people convinced that gold is the sole antidote to the hyperinflationary threat to fiat money.

Frågan om Bitcoin is sound money has long provoked debates among economists, investors, and financial pundits. Bitcoin, being an intangible digital asset, is often dismissed by sound money advocates because it doesn't offer the same physical assurances that gold does. You can’t hold bitcoin in your hand, so how could it be sound money?

Förespråkar för Bitcoin as sound money often respond that, although bitcoin is not physical, it is “backed by mathematics.” But this misses the mark. Although it is true, this argument often fails to persuade the skeptics because mathematics lack a physical basis.

I själva verket, Bitcoin is literally physical, just like gold is. Being able to explain this to sound money advocates who are Bitcoin skeptics is a key challenge for Bitcoin educators today. Let’s explore some of the ways Bitcoin is physical so that we might make a stronger case to gold enthusiasts as to why Bitcoin is sound money.

Blockkedjan är fysisk

To explain the ways in which Bitcoin is physical, we need to delve into technical territory, starting with how flash memory works.

Flash memory, a type of non-volatile storage medium for data, is the most common way that the Bitcoin ledger is recorded in each Bitcoin node. Flash memory is “non-volatile,” which means that the data stored inside it will remain intact, even without a supply of electricity.

At the microscopic level, flash memory is made up of an array of memory cells, each constructed from a MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor). These transistors are tiny switches that have a floating gate that traps or releases electrons. The presence or absence of electrons on this floating gate translates into binary code, which in turn represents data.

När du håller Bitcoin, your ownership record is literally a configuration of physical gates in a MOSFET inside a flash memory chip. Every Bitcoin transaction that ever happened is recorded in the physical states of transistors inside Bitcoin nodes scattered around the globe.

Now, flash memory might not weigh as much as a gold bar, but it is undeniably physical. With a powerful microscope, you could even take a look and see the states of those gates inside flash memory chips with your own eyes.

Privata nycklar är fysiska

Let’s turn to private keys, which are alphanumeric codes that grant control over some amount of Bitcoin. Whether etched onto a metal plate or stored in a secure chip, your private key is as physically real as a chunk of gold.

Om du lagrar din privata nyckel i form av en fröfras som antingen är skriven på papper eller etsad i metallplåtar, som många gör, så är dess fysiska karaktär uppenbar. Men även om det kan vara frestande att anta att en fröfras som lagras på detta sätt bara är en fysisk representation av något som är icke-fysiskt, är det inte helt rätt.

Hardware wallets are allmänt övervägd the best way for individuals to ensure security of their private keys. A hardware wallet typically contains a secure element, a chip that securely stores a private key. The secure element heightens security because it is designed to withstand attempts at physical tampering and unauthorized access.

Det säkra elementet inuti en hårdvaruplånbok lagrar verkligen en privat nyckel fysiskt i flashminnet i form av elektriska tillstånd hos transistorer. Kom ihåg att varje transistor är en switch med tillstånd som antingen kan vara på eller av. Den privata nyckeln är därför en specifik sekvens av dessa tillstånd.

Även den privata nyckeln som lagras i en het plånbok på en telefon måste finnas fysiskt i telefonens icke-flyktiga minne.

Bitcoin’s physicality means that it can survive catastrophes

One of the arguments that people who believe gold to be a superior form of sound money to Bitcoin är att Bitcoin relies on electricity and computers. They argue that, if a civilizational collapse were to occur that would disrupt electricity for an extended period of time, or even permanently, then Bitcoin would be useless. However, this view is mistaken. Bitcoin’s physicality allows it to survive almost any catastrophe. A famous moment from Hollywood will help illustrate the point.

Filmen Fight Club från 1999 slutar berömt med att alla konsumtionsskulder förstörs. I slutscenen ser vi antihjältarna titta ut genom fönstren på en skyskrapa och titta på kollapsande byggnader. Vi får veta att dessa byggnader innehöll alla uppgifter om konsumentskulder. Med byggnaderna förstörda utplånas skulden och "finansiell jämvikt" återställs.

Även om det ger ett tankeväckande slut, hade publiken som såg filmen problem med att avbryta misstroendet i den här scenen. Ska vi verkligen tro att alla register över konsumentskulder finns i ett fåtal byggnader? Till och med dussintals byggnader? Intuitivt skulle vi anta att det måste finnas kopior av dessa register spridda över hela världen, i olika städer, datorer och filer. Även om de flesta av dessa register förstördes, även om återhämtningen kan vara långsam, skulle kopior så småningom hittas och det redan existerande tillståndet för krediter och skulder skulle återställas.

Smakämnen Bitcoin blockchain is much more robust even than records of consumer debt. The Bitcoin ledger doesn't exist in a single location or even a handful of locations; it's replicated across thousands of nodes worldwide, at almost every imaginable longitude and latitude. Each node holds a physical copy of the ledger in its flash memory, and collectively, all of the Bitcoin nodes serve as an absurdly redundant global backup system. They all talk to each other and confirm that their physical states are identical to each other.

In fact, planet Earth is continuously bathed in the Bitcoin blockchain by satellites that broadcast it 24 hours a day. Even if internet connectivity were disrupted for an extended period in some locations, those locations could stay in sync with the Bitcoin network using an inexpensive radio dish.

In the wake of any catastrophic event that might disrupt infrastructure, one of the primary objectives for recovery would be the restoration of power and communication networks. As history has shown, recovering societies prioritize reestablishing these utilities as a foundation for rebuilding. Once power and internet connectivity are restored, so too is the Bitcoin network. All the physical copies of the ledger, stored in flash memory across decentralized nodes worldwide, and even in space, would be there to ensure the continuity and integrity of the system.

Denna decentralisering gör det extremt osannolikt att någon katastrof - vare sig det är en elektromagnetisk puls (EMP), kärndetonation eller till och med ett meteorangrepp - skulle kunna utplåna alla fysiska kopior av huvudboken.

Of course, there is always the possibility of a catastrophe so intense as to trigger a planet-wide extinction-level event. In that case, the human species will have bigger problems to contend with than which form of money to use, and will be no better off with gold than with Bitcoin.

If more people knew bitcoin is physical, more people would adopt it

Why is it vital to spread understanding about Bitcoin being physical?

In an age where financial systems are becoming increasingly abstract and detached from the tangible, people crave the security of something concrete. That's why many resort to gold, real estate, and other physical assets.

Argumentet att Bitcoin can't serve as sound money because it lacks the tangibility of gold is a misunderstanding of how Bitcoin technology works. Bitcoin is not an abstract, ephemeral digital construct. It is a form of sound money that has physical existence.

Förståelse Bitcoin’s physicality can remove a significant mental block for many potential users. This would allow them to benefit from including Bitcoin in their own financial arsenal, as well as improving the resilience of the Bitcoin network itself through the introduction of a sizable cohort of committed sound money proponents.

Detta är ett gästpost av Dave Birnbaum. Åsikter som uttrycks är helt egna och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis de från BTC Inc eller Bitcoin Tidskrift.

Ursprunglig källa: Bitcoin magazine