Bitcoin Kommer att använda energi och det behöver inte vara förnybart

By Bitcoin Magasin - 2 år sedan - Lästid: 2 minuter

Bitcoin Kommer att använda energi och det behöver inte vara förnybart

Energy usage is not something from which we should shy away. Bitcoin miners are already doing the hard work that is making the world a better place.

Nedan är ett direkt utdrag av Marty's Bent Utgåva #1203: "Avlåt inte ramen. Energianvändningen är bra." Anmäl dig till nyhetsbrevet här.


As you freaks may know, I believe many in the North American bitcoin mining industry are making a long-term strategic mistake in their attempts to appease the climate hysterics of the world by pointing to the fact that many bitcoin miners leverage renewable energy and that it will help "phase out" fossil fuels over time.

It is true, many bitcoin miners are taking advantage of artificially low electricity prices driven by massive subsidies provided to “green” energy sources like wind and solar across the U.S. However, the people who are driving these miners to bend the knee and stumble over themselves to collect data and write letters with a bunch of signatures from big industry players will never be satisfied. The mining industry could have an energy mix of 100% "renewables" and the hysterics would find a way to move the goalposts. In fact, they are already starting to do that.

Even though Peter may be completely ignorant to the fact that bitcoin miners may, quite literally, be the only potential users of those "renewable" energy sources, facts don't matter in the hysterical clown world that these people live in. It's all about CONTROL. They cannot control bitcoin, so they will find every excuse in the book, no matter how illogical, to try to stop bitcoin from succeeding.

By ceding the frame to these hysterics and working to appease them, the bitcoin mining industry is giving their nonsensical positions validity. Instead, we should work to own the frame and build our frame on facts. And the facts are very simple. Humans are good. Increased energy consumption correlates with increased human flourishing. Hydrocarbons are an essential part of our future. And a bitcoin standard is going to make the world extremely energy efficient because of the incentives put forth under a sound money standard and the way bitcoin brings about that standard via proof-of-work with a difficulty adjustment.

Sluta agera som ett gäng förlorare som behöver tigga om lov för att göra världen till en bättre plats och börja agera som en självsäker grupp som redan gör det hårda arbetet som gör världen till en bättre plats.

Jag hade nöjet att sitta ner med Dr. Saifedean Ammous i morse för att diskutera detta ämne långt. Jag rekommenderar starkt att du tittar på konversationen och funderar hårt på hur skadligt det kan vara i det långa loppet att överlåta ramen till dessa människor. Det är ett enormt slöseri med tid.

Ursprunglig källa: Bitcoin magazine