Hur våra smartphones spionerar på oss och vad du kan göra för att undvika det

By Bitcoin Magasin - 1 år sedan - Lästid: 6 minuter

Hur våra smartphones spionerar på oss och vad du kan göra för att undvika det

Som en Bitcoiner, being aware of all the ways technology is used to spy on you is paramount to good opsec.

Detta är en åsiktsledare av Anthony Feliciano, a Bitcoin arrangör och konsult.

Det är ingen hemlighet att vi bor i en massövervakningsstat. Tekniken som skapats för att hjälpa oss att bli ett mer energieffektivt och produktivt samhälle är nu vårt största hot mot vår integritet och vårt självsuveräna välbefinnande. Ta en titt runt – från smarta kylskåp till smarta glödlampor, barnflickakameror till smarta TV-apparater, datorer, Ringa, Google Nest, alexa and our smartphones are all capable of being used to spy on us, and that's just the list of equipment that is doing it before you step outside of your house. They’re all equipped with cameras, sensors and microphones that watch and monitor our every move, emotion and action. Many people will point to the patrioten agerar, när den amerikanska regeringen började spionera över sina egna medborgares kommunikation, under täckmantel av "nationell säkerhet".

This will be a two article series, starting with the piece that explains “why” — why you should begin to formulate an opt out plan when it comes to your smartphone, even more so if you are a Bitcoiner. The “why” doesn't necessarily apply to only Bitcoiners but for anyone looking to regain their privacy, like journalists and/or people who live in oppressive regimes.

The second part will be the “how” — I'll provide you with tools and options to help you begin your opt out journey while still being able to use Bitcoin.

Hur mobiltjänstleverantörer spionerar på oss:

I'll start with cellular providers and talk about some of the tools at their disposal that are currently employed. Some of these terms and tools you probably have heard before, but might not be sure how they work. The important takeaway to remember is that the information captured from these tools can be subject to stämning av advokater eller statliga myndigheter.

Operatörsmärkta smartphones: Det här är de telefoner du "leasar" från vilken operatör som helst på ett betalningsprogram månad till månad. De kommer förladdade med massor av appar som är operatörsmärkta och inte kan tas bort. De flesta av apparna är operatörsspecifika och loggar data du anger i dem samt spårar andra appar.

AT&T Secure Family och Google Play-appen är två exempel — "Hitta din familj, kontrollera ditt barns skärmtid och hantera deras telefonanvändning."

Viktiga funktioner:

This app may share data with third parties.This app may collect location and personal info.Data is encrypted in transit.Data cannot be deleted.Mobile OS: A mobile OS is the operating system your smartphone uses, and is like a version of the Windows, macOS or Ubuntu on your personal computer. Today the smartphone market is dominated by two players. Google and Apple. By agreeing to the “terms and conditions” to use Google or Apple services, we give access to every aspect of our life, both private and public, to them. When people complain about Big Tech spying on us, it's really our own fault since we don't have to use any of these services.

*Obs: Jag kommer att diskutera två projekt för att hjälpa Android-användare med deras avregistreringsplan. Tyvärr Apple-användare, du måste vänta tills det blir lättare att jailbreaka en iPhone.

Apps: Too many of them are on our smartphones. When was the last time you downloaded an app that didn't need access to every part of your phone to work? Nearly every app we download needs access to our contacts, phone, texts, photos, GPS location etc. All with the emphasis on “collecting information for better customer experience.” With the rise of malware apps targeting cryptocurrency users, shouldn't we be paying more attention to the apps we install and the permissions given to them, since we too have Bitcoin and LN apps that reside on our phones as well? Trilatering: GPS. Våra mobiltelefoner skickar ständigt ut signaler som vill ta emot "bekräftelse"-signaler från närliggande mobiltorn. Ju fler torn våra smartphones ansluter till, desto bättre noggrannhet för att lokalisera din plats inom några meter.

*Note: Not even turning off your GPS is foolproof. That is because our smartphones are still connected to nearby towers via the radio inside them. This won't pinpoint your exact location but just enough to provide the necessary information as to your whereabouts at a particular time.

SIM-bytesattacker: This is when a scammer is able to pose as you (through social engineering), and calls your cell service provider to trick them into porting over your cell number to a SIM in their possession. The goal is to receive one-time access codes to your accounts. In Bitcoin terms, the targets here are usually centralized exchanges. This was the case when a scammer used a sim-swap attack to receive a one-time code and withdraw the victim’s cryptovalutan. There are many other such horror stories involving SIM swap attacks with the goal to clean out someone's crypto accounts. stingrays: Physical hardware used by government agencies around the world. The premise behind the attack is that Stingrays operate as “fake” cell phone towers by providing a stronger signal, so that your smartphone believes it is talking to a nearby tower, when in fact, some agency is operating as the man-in-the-middle, recording all data (text, calls, and data) transmitted from the person of interest. The major issue with this, anyone who happens to wander by the intended target has all of their information captured as well. Everyone in the vicinity’s privacy is at risk when this tactic is used.Social, political or economic injustice rallies: If there was ever more of an example on why you should use a burner phone or privacy focused device for these events, it was the fallout from the Canadian Truckers Rally och händelserna i Januari 6, 2021. Under månaderna efter händelserna arbetade regeringar med Big Tech för att spåra upp och arrestera en massa människor, bara genom att titta på deras sociala media-flöden eller stävning av mobiltelefonuppgifter från operatörer. Dessa mobiltelefonregister användes för att avgöra om du var i närheten av sådana protester för att åtala individer. Jag måste betona detta igen, ta aldrig med din dagliga telefon till något sådant rally någonsin. Ta alltid med en reservtelefon som du kan kassera eller förstöra oavsett vad.

Hur man börjar välja bort

Till att börja, gå över till Calyx OS or Grafen OS to do some light reading. These two projects are similar in nature and offer a great alternative mobile OS that is free of Google services and all the tracking included. Their respective websites have a list of compatible devices and installation guides. The two projects have grown the most in popularity amongst Bitcoiners. I will post links to apps I use for privacy as well as Bitcoin and LN apps that you can use in conjunction with a de-Googled phone, so you can still use Bitcoin without all the spying and tracking.

Privacy is a right, we all should remember, and not take it lightly or sacrifice it for convenience. Nothing is 100% secure and private, unless you are planning to go live off the grid in the mountains. If your wife isn't thrilled about that idea, at least begin to explore an opt out plan when it comes to communications and Bitcoin.

Detta är ett gästinlägg av Anthony Feliciano. Åsikter som uttrycks är helt deras egna och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis de från BTC Inc Bitcoin Tidskrift.

Ursprunglig källa: Bitcoin magazine