Return of Darth Maul: Bitcoin Price Pumps And Dumps In 5% Shakeout

Av NewsBTC - 2 år sedan - Lästid: 2 minuter

Return of Darth Maul: Bitcoin Price Pumps And Dumps In 5% Shakeout

Bitcoin price today has been more volatile than normal, and that’s a statement in and of itself. The normally notoriously explosive cryptocurrency rocketed more than $2,000 and nearly 5% this morning, only to then plummet and wipe out the entire rally and then some.

Fallet minskade kryptovalutan med mer än 7% och $ 3,000 och lämnade likvidationer åt båda hållen. Vad orsakade den plötsliga stormen, och är detta bara lugnet i ögat, eller är galenskapen över?

Pumpa och dumpa eller ansikte mellan tjur- och björnvalar?

Bitcoin saw a steep rejection from above $50,000 and bulls are now scrambling to build meaningful support that holds. If not, a deeper drop and a bear market remains a possibility. For now, whales are either playing games, or waging war with one another where both sides are losing big.

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A sharp move today in markets saw liquidations on both sides of the trade, and the volatility alone now has the market in a state of fear.

A pump this morning caused Bitcoin price to rise more than $2,000 and around 5%, only to immediately drop more than 7% and $3,000 to sweep support and lows. Anyone caught buying what they thought was a breakout, is now at a loss. And it all played out in less than one-hour from bottom to top then back down to the bottom.

The move pictured above took less than an hour | Source: BTCUSD on Bitcoin Price Rockets On Litecoin News, Crashes After Liftoff

Flytten drevs till stor del av den större kryptomarknaden. Digitala tillgångar har en nära relation när det gäller prisåtgärder, så när ett mynt pumpar lyfter den stigande tidvattnet alla båtar.

Today’s wipeout move was driven by Litecoin and a suspicious scenario where a fake press release was distributed claiming Wal-Mart would support the cryptocurrency. When Wal-Mart denied the claim, an almost immediate 30% rally was erased, also taking Bitcoin price back down with it.

A Darth Maul is all that remains on the six-hour Bitcoin price chart | Source: BTCUSD on

What remains on the chart on higher timeframes, is a what the cryptocurrency community has so affectionately dubbed a Darth Maul candle.

Related Reading | Five Bitcoin Price Charts That Suggest Bulls Have Little To Fear

Denna typ av wipeout -ljus är en doji, med en extremt lång veke i båda riktningarna och bildar det som ser ut som Star Wars -skurkens varumärke. Den inverkan de kan ha på investerare och handlare är nästan lika elak som LucasFilm -ikonen.

Är det här för shakeout, eller är det mer smärta i båda riktningarna som kommer?

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