Förståelse Bitcoin Nätverkets hashfrekvens ökar

By Bitcoin Magasin - 1 år sedan - Lästid: 6 minuter

Förståelse Bitcoin Nätverkets hashfrekvens ökar

The difficulty adjustment can decrease profits for miners as the difficulty increases just as newer, more efficient hardware is released.

This is an opinion editorial by Alex, a bitcoin miner with Kaboomracks.

It is important for individuals looking at bitcoin mining for the first time to understand the importance of Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment as well the impact this has on mining profitability. Many newcomers to bitcoin mining will consult the profitability of an ASIC on a mining calculator, expecting that that profitability will stay relatively the same going forwards in the future. This is a misunderstanding as the profitability of any given machine, trends downwards over time. Increases in difficulty should be understood before purchasing an ASIC.

Ett enkelt sätt att förstå detta är att jämföra en ASIC med vilken annan elektronisk enhet som helst. Ju längre enheten används, desto mindre relevant är den eftersom ny programvara kräver mer datorkraft. Om du skulle använda en iPhone från 6 år sedan skulle dess prestanda vara otroligt frustrerande. Ju äldre telefonen blir, desto mindre användbarhet har den.

En mycket liknande process sker inom gruvdrift. När du gruvdrift konkurrerar du med alla andra gruvarbetare runt om i världen. När fler gruvarbetare sätter igång maskiner blir det svårare att konkurrera. Att ha nyare och effektivare hårdvara gör dig mer konkurrenskraftig, men den hårdvaran går snabbt mot att bli mindre konkurrenskraftig.

Bild med tillstånd av coinwarz.com

Bitcoin Svårighetsjustering

Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment is something built into the Bitcoin protocol in order to ensure Bitcoin has a stable and predictable supply schedule. If there was no difficulty adjustment, all of the bitcoin likely would’ve already been mined and there would be little to no incentive for miners to secure the network. When more miners join the network, blocks are minted at a faster rate as a result of a hash rate increase. The network responds by adjusting the difficulty higher to ensure that blocks come in around 10 minutes. For miners, increased difficulty adjustments mean less profits. For the average Bitcoin user, it means more security for the monetary network they are using.

Bild tagen från insights.braiins.com

Downwards difficulty adjustments mean that miners will be earning more profits as these are a result of hash rate coming offline. The famous example of this happening is when China banned Bitcoin mining and a large portion of the network hash rate went offline for a period of time. Downwards difficulty adjustments are not the norm as mining hardware is always getting more powerful and efficient. Even if there was a stagnation of machine efficiency and hash rate increases, more machines would be produced and plugged in. The Bitcoin mining industry is incredibly immature and there is a tremendous amount of room for growth going forward which means that hash rate is almost certainly going to increase at rapid rates going forward over the long run.

We are currently seeing a bull market in energy prices with a suppressed bitcoin price which means that miners are experiencing quite a bit of pain. There is a possibility that there could be a series of downward difficulty adjustments as hash rate comes offline, but this is not something that miners should put in their models. It is important to prepare for the worst case scenario which is what we have seen the last few months.

Nya maskiner på väg till marknaden

Vartannat år släpper ASIC-tillverkare en ny maskin med betydande förbättringar när det gäller hashhastighet och effektivitet. Den senaste tidens ökningar av nätverkshashhastighet beror till stor del på att Bitmains S19 XP och S19 Hydro distribueras. En annan faktor är att en stor mängd äldre generations maskiner äntligen sätts på till följd av att infrastruktur byggs ut.

Detta diagram är en överförenkling bara för visuella ändamål.

When you buy an ASIC, its value will be constantly depreciating as both network hash rate increases and new machines come onto the market. The value will fluctuate depending on the Bitcoin price, but it’s safe to say the machine loses value over time. That is why it is incredibly important to have the machine running when you have it. Buying it to plug in later means you are throwing money away unnecessarily.

Bitcoin Köpa kraft

Bitcoin mining is like taking a long position on Bitcoin, but with a lot of headaches and execution risk. If done correctly, it can be incredibly lucrative. If done incorrectly, it is a fantastic way to get poor quickly. The income the machine makes is fairly consistent, but the purchasing power of that income varies tremendously. Power prices may be stable priced in dollars, but are very volatile when priced in the income you are making from that machine. A S19j Pro may make 38,000-40,000 sats a day in income, but if you are mining on $0.10 a kWh, your power costs will be 41,263 sats with bitcoin handlas till $17,461 XNUMX.

Det är därför det är otroligt viktigt att försöka få lägsta möjliga elpriser för att vara lönsam och ROI på din utrustning. Att hitta billig el är varken enkelt eller lätt. Ofta finns det dolda avgifter eller komplikationer som gör att gruvarbetare misslyckas. Alla gruvarbetare, oavsett hur stora eller små, utsätts för dessa ekonomi med variabel köpkraft, ökningar av nätverkshashhastighet och maskindevalvering/föråldrad.

ASIC prissättning

Det finns en baskostnad för tillverkarna att producera ny utrustning. Vi befinner oss för närvarande vid eller når det golvet för ny utrustning som kommer från tillverkaren. Som ett resultat av detta saktar de antingen ned eller stoppar produktionen av vissa modeller. Individer väljer att betala en premie för ny utrustning eftersom de kommer med garantier. Begagnad utrustning å andra sidan kommer i allmänhet inte med någon garanti, och även osäkerhet om förhållandena som den kördes i. Av denna anledning säljs begagnad utrustning ofta till en rejäl rabatt.

ASIC pricing is variable just like every other industry. Supply and demand are the major factors that determine price. Individuals buying ASICs have a million different reasons why they may want to purchase at a certain time, but Bitcoin price and difficulty are major influences. If the purchasing power of the income being earned by an ASIC is low, there will be less demand and the ASIC price will fall. Bear markets are generally good times to buy because the demand drops significantly.

Moores lag och framtiden för ASIC

"Moores lag: ett axiom för mikroprocessorutveckling som vanligtvis håller att processorkraften fördubblas ungefär var 18:e månad, särskilt i förhållande till kostnad eller storlek." - Merriam webster

We are coming to the end of the computer chip revolution as chip makers are pushing the boundaries of physics. In no way is this the end of massive increases in Bitcoin’s network hash rate. The mining industry is very rough around the edges in regards to very basic principles such as heat dissipation, software implementations, and relationships with energy producers. Computer chips may have slower leaps as far as increases in computing power, but we have barely scratched the surface in regards to other technological leaps forward that will ultimately lead to more power being consumed and more computing power expended in order to secure the Bitcoin Nätverk.

As bitcoin becomes more widely adopted, and its value understood, the demand for mining is bound to increase globally. The result will naturally be an increase in Network hash rate. As a miner, this is a painful reality as it means the profitability of my hardware will decrease over time. As a Bitcoiner, it gives me confidence in the monetary network that I use daily.

Detta är ett gästinlägg av Kaboomracks Alex. Åsikter som uttrycks är helt deras egna och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis BTC Inc. eller Bitcoin Tidskrift.

Ursprunglig källa: Bitcoin magazine