Breez FiatLink -ро эълон мекунад: Lightning ба Fiat API Standard

By Bitcoin Маҷалла - 4 моҳ пеш - Вақти хондан: 2 дақиқа

Breez FiatLink -ро эълон мекунад: Lightning ба Fiat API Standard

Today Breez announces FiatLink, an open API standard for the integration of on and off ramps directly inside of Lightning wallets and applications. Currently there are many issues with seamless integration of Bitcoin to fiat exchanges inside of applications, chief among them being lack of Lightning support by many brokerages. In addition to that, each brokerage service in the market builds proprietary APIs for integration with their services, increasing the overhead of integration of multiple options by application and wallet developers. Breez SDK’s support for the FiatLink API can facilitate a single solution to both problems.

FiatLink, as an open interface standard, would also allow seamless integration of multiple brokerage options inside a Lightning application or wallet. Rather than have to independently integrate each option’s individual API, any brokerage service that has integrated FiatLink would be usable within an application with no extra development overhead. This can help foster an interoperable ecosystem of multiple brokers and multiple applications all seeking the optimal price point in order matching between users needing to acquire fiat or Bitcoin. Swiss Bitcoin operations, such as Relai and Pocket Bitcoin, were consulted in tailoring the API design to meet the needs of existing brokerage services.

Якчанд вариантҳои пардохт (SEPA, кортҳои кредитӣ ва интиқоли бонкӣ) дастгирӣ карда мешаванд. Провайдерҳои API ба корбарон имкон медиҳанд, ки нархҳо ва сметаҳои хароҷот, иқтибосҳои ниҳоиро дархост кунанд ва дар ниҳоят иқтибоси фармоиширо тасдиқ кунанд ва бо ворид кардани маълумоти пардохти онҳо онро ба итмом расонанд. Дар Швейтсария, корбарон метавонанд ба маблағи то 1000 CHF (Франки Швейтсария) барои як транзаксия байни брокерҳои Швейтсария ва бонкҳои танзимшавандаи ғайри Швейтсария бидуни талаб кардани KYC-и иловагӣ берун аз усули пардохт амалиёт анҷом диҳанд.

Withdrawals from a brokerage service to the users wallet is processed through LNURL-Withdraw. This is a function in the LNURL protocol that allows a static QR code to be saved and scanned by the user at their leisure, negotiating in the background over HTTP providing an actual Lighting invoice to receive their Bitcoin. It allows an optional on-chain address to be included to facilitate withdrawal on-chain if it fails to process over Lightning for any reason.

API Протоколи исботи суроғаи моликиятро (AOPP) дастгирӣ мекунад, ки аз ҷониби баъзе қаламравҳо тибқи Қоидаи Travel талаб карда мешавад, аммо дар ҳолати ҳамёни Lightning ва барномаҳо метавонанд як пабки тасодуфии гиреҳи Lightning-ро тавлид кунанд, ки барои бозхонди ягона истифода барад.

FiatLink, if widely adopted, could offer a competitive and streamlined solution to integrating fiat to Bitcoin transfers for wallet and application developers to integrate. 

Манбаъи аслӣ: Bitcoin маҷалла