Microbt охиринро ошкор мекунад Bitcoin Дастгоҳҳои истихроҷи маъдан - Мошинҳо бо тарҳи фармоишии 126 нм чип то 5 TH/s истеҳсол мекунанд

By Bitcoin.com - 2 сол пеш - Вақти хониш: 3 дақиқа

Microbt охиринро ошкор мекунад Bitcoin Дастгоҳҳои истихроҷи маъдан - Мошинҳо бо тарҳи фармоишии 126 нм чип то 5 TH/s истеҳсол мекунанд

Following Bitmain’s product introduction of two new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bitcoin mining rigs, the mining devices manufacturer Microbt has announced the launch of two new miners as well. Revealed during the Bitcoin 22 conference in Miami, Microbt showcased the company’s new Whatsminer M50 series, which offers hashrate speeds of up to 126 terahash per second (TH/s).

Microbt Launches 2 New Next-Generation Bitcoin Ригҳои кӯҳӣ

Bitcoin miners are getting more advanced as the latest machines revealed by Bitmain and Microbt indicate that next-generation mining rigs pack a whole lot of hashpower. Bitcoin.com News has previously reported on Bitmain’s upcoming mining machines that offer hashrate speeds up to 255 TH/s.

Аввалин буд Antminer S19 XP моҳи ноябри соли 2021 ошкор карда шуд, ки хэшрейти 140 TH/s дорад ва дуюмаш Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd. бо то 198 TH/s қудрати ҳисоббарорӣ. Илова бар ин, Bitmain як воҳиди дигари гидро ASIC-ро ошкор кард Antminer S19 XP Hyd., ки ба гуфтаи ширкат 255 TH/s зиёд истеҳсол мекунад.

Ҳоло бренди нави Microbt Чӣ гуна ASIC bitcoin mining rigs have been revealed and the company expects to ship the latest series by the third quarter of 2022. While the devices are not as powerful as Bitmain’s latest mining machines, the Microbt-made rigs are more powerful than the current machines in production today.

Microbt unveiled the latest Whatsminer M50 series at the Bitcoin 22 conference in Miami and the company’s top machine boasts a full-custom chip design and 126 TH/s in computational processing power. The company further details that the Whatsminer M50S has a power efficiency rating of 26 joules per terahash (J/TH) and it runs on 3,276 watts (W).

The full-custom chip design is a 5nm process, which improved upon the firm’s last bitcoin miner the M30S++ (110 TH/s). During the announcement, Microbt also hinted at a hydro-cooling mining rig that will produce “240 TH/s of computing power at 29 J/TH of power efficiency.” However, that Whatsminer M53 machine is not yet showcased or available for purchase on the manufacturer’s Whatsminer сомона.

Ду дастгоҳи охирини Whatsminer M50 дастрасанд, зеро M50S (126 TH/s) дар айни замон барои як воҳид 10,924.20 доллар арзиш дорад ва M50 (114 TH/s) барои як дастгоҳ 8,857.80 доллар арзиш дорад. Барои истинод, бо истифода аз имрӯз BTC Қурби асъор ва 0.12 доллар барои як киловатт-соат (кВт/соат) нерӯи барқ, як дастгоҳи истихроҷи 110 TH/s дар як рӯз тахминан $10.48 истеҳсол хоҳад кард. BTC фоида.

Маълумотхои хозира нишон медиханд, ки имрузхо BTC prices, the two Whatsminer M50 series machines would be more profitable. Microbt also detailed that it is ready to support emerging bitcoin mining areas such as North America. “Microbt is capable of producing and shipping over 30,000 pieces per month from its production site located in Southeast Asia this year,” the company’s press release notes.

"[Силсилаи M50] ба муштариён кӯмак мекунад, ки ба даврони истихроҷи 2X J/T ворид шаванд ва дар қудрат бимонанд, ки ҳеҷ гоҳ барои истихроҷи ба ESG дӯстона хотима наёбад" гуфт Ҷянбин Чен, COO Microbt дар изҳорот. Дар ҳамин ҳол, интизор меравад, ки мошинҳои Microbt интиқолро дар "семоҳаи 3-и соли 2022" оғоз кунанд, дар ҳоле ки силсилаи Antminer S19 XP-и Bitmain то июли соли 2022 ба омма мерасад.

What do you think about Microbt’s new Whatsminer M50 series bitcoin mining rigs? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Манбаъи аслӣ: Bitcoin.com