The Challenges Of Bitcoin Adoption Aren't Stopping Salvadorans

By Bitcoin Dergi - 1 yıl önce - Okuma Süresi: 8 dakika

The Challenges Of Bitcoin Adoption Aren't Stopping Salvadorans

Citizens of El Salvador still face certain obstacles in their bitcoin adoption journey, but still look forward to the future.

This is an opinion editorial by Rikki, Bitcoin explorer, author and co-host of the “Bitcoin Italia,” and “Stupefatti” podcasts.

Bu makalede yer alan tüm görseller yazardan alınmıştır.

Rağmen Bitcoin adoption and usage among the common people of El Salvador is virtually nonexistent, as we documented in our previous Bitcoin Dergi makalesiBu ülkeyi gezmek her zaman çok eğlenceli ve geri döndüğümüz için çok mutluyuz.

Burada olup bitenler gerçekten oldukça tarihi ve bunlara tanık olabilmek ender rastlanan bir ayrıcalık.

İlk haftanın tamamını başkent San Salvador'da geçirmeyi seçtik.

Başlangıçta organize olabilmek için bir ana kampa ihtiyacımız vardı. Hazırladığımız seyahat vlog'ları Bitcoin Kaşifler çok fazla iş ve lojistik gerektirir. Bizimki gibi bir macerayı müzik ve görsellerle anlatmak kolay bir iş değil. İlgili işin miktarı çok büyüktür.

But it's time to get moving. We pointed the nose of our car — rented in Bitcoin — toward the outskirts of the city and left its urban agglomeration behind.

The first challenge of the afternoon was to fill up the tank by paying for it in Bitcoin. Who knows why car rentals here have a habit of bringing you the car with the tank half empty. At least, that has been our experience, including the rentals we made last year. Fortunately, it seems that in gas stations they have not lost the taste for accepting Bitcoin. We received only one laconic no. On our second attempt they gas us up and present us with a Chivo QR code without blowback.

Devletin sh*twallet standartları dikkate alındığında Lightning işlemi de oldukça hızlıydı elbette.

Chivo cüzdanından bahsetmişken, otelimizden ayrılırken dakikalarca kafa karışıklığı ve inanamama yaşadık. Kahvaltımızı yaptık, masaya gittik ve birkaç saat içinde çıkışa hazır olarak hesabı istedik. Resepsiyonda bize zincirleme bir adres verdiler. Harika. Odamıza götürdük ve sakin bir şekilde BitBox02'mizden işlemi gerçekleştirdim. Hızlı bir onay almak için ücretleri yüksek tuttum ve hiç düşünmeden sırt çantalarımızı doldurmaya başladım.

Just as I was thinking about how convenient bitcoin is, allowing me to pay my hotel bill even from the room, I get a WhatsApp message from the front desk. They write to me that the payment transaction is canceled. Canceled? A bitcoin transaction? How is that possible?

Dizüstü bilgisayarımı açtım ve'deki durumu kontrol ettim. Onu orada görüyorum, onu içeren bloktan sonra zaten dokuz tane mayınlı blokla birlikte dijital travertenlere oyulmuş. Yani sadece onaylanmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda sağlamlaştırılıyor. Gözlerimi deviriyorum ve yalnızca Chivo'nun bu kadar berbat olabileceğini düşünüyorum.

I arm myself with patience and go down to the front desk. I show the confirmations to the hotel staff. I explain that it is not possible for the transaction to turn up canceled. There must be a problem with their wallet. The address is correct, the transaction ID is the same. They tell me not to worry, that they will call Chivo customer service with all the details and they will fix it. But before they dismiss me, they tell me, "This bitcoin is working really bad though ..."

Anlıyor musunuz? Ayrıca güvensizliğin nereden geldiğini anlıyor musunuz?

They do not have the means to understand that it is Chivo that is the problem — not Bitcoin. For them there is no difference. They live this terrible user experience, and for them that is what Bitcoin is. Obviously I took the time to explain what’s actually happening, and I recommend using another wallet. But those will probably have been words lost to the wind.

It is really striking, though, how the software instrumental to the Bitcoin Law in this country, the state wallet, more than fifteen months after its launch still manages to perform so poorly. I mean, how does a wallet miss an on-chain transaction? It just has to read the timechain.

It turns out to be, in our opinion, the obvious source of many problems. All the times we have gone into a store and been told they have stopped accepting bitcoin because it is too complex, they were likely referring more to Chivo than anything else.

Her zaman verdikleri diğer sebep ise çok az işlem olması. Çok az hacim.

Bunu düşün. Gerçekten şaşırmalı mıyız?

Tamamen mantıklı değil mi?

We have to keep in mind that El Salvador is not Venezuela, Argentina or Nigeria. It is not a country with its own hyper-inflated national currency. People here, when they receive their salaries, do not have to storm the stores to buy immediately, before merchants raise prices, or turn to the black market to buy any other currency, as long as it is more stable. Salvadorans take their salaries in dollars; they live in U.S. dollars. As much as we may not like it, in emerging countries the American currency is still the most desired. Some people are willing to pay double, if not triple, its value to grab it. Why would the people of El Salvador prefer bitcoin in their everyday lives? Do you really think Bitcoiner talk about monetary sovereignty, privacy in money and self custody has appeal in these latitudes? Without education that provides context?

It is perfectly normal that dollars are preferred here, so we cannot assume that the volume behind bitcoin is coming from locals. Indeed, we should wonder why even the Bitcoiners who visit here do not spend their satoshis — but that is another story.

En sevdiğimiz şehir Santa Ana ve gerçek El Salvador'un tadına bakmak için oraya gittik. Özgünlük buranın her köşesinde var ve aradığımız şey de bu.

We have a favorite place in the town called Casa Verde. On paper it's a hostel, but it's really so much more — it's a hotel, it's a bar and it's a community center. It's a very special place. If you happen to be in the area it is definitely the first place to try and stay. Say hello to Carlos, the owner — tell him you will pay in bitcoin and that Rikki and Laura sent you.

Şehir, biraz yozlaşmış kolonyal renkler ve mimarinin karışımıyla her zaman büyüleyicidir. San Salvador'dan daha küçük ve bu iyi. Çok daha yaşanabilir.

Every time we come we always end up having a great time mingling with the people. Near the central square there is a folk market that is beautiful. All the picturesque streets are dotted with stalls selling everything you could want. Browsing them is a pleasure. Pay no attention to the curious glances of the locals, the giggles of the kids. They are still not quite used to seeing foreigners here. If they do it is because you are a novelty here, something you don't see every day. And after all, a little curiosity never killed anyone.

It is natural to think that if few people accept bitcoin in the larger and more cosmopolitan San Salvador, even less would do so here. But it would be a completely wrong assumption. Try asking in the markets, at the stalls. You will find plenty of small traders with a Chivo wallet in their pocket and a great desire not to lose a customer (from whom they can perhaps squeeze a few extra dollars). You will see them ready to put themselves on the line — to take risks, from their point of view. Mind you, you will likely be their first bitcoin transaction; you will have to teach them what to do from scratch.

Şehir merkezinin sokaklarında dolaşarak saatler geçirdik. Burada hava mükemmel, gündüzleri sıcak ama akşamları her zaman serin ve rüzgarlı.

We bought tubes of toothpaste, a lighter (even here we can't keep from losing them all the time) and Mexican-style tortillas at street stalls, and after making some young street vendor happy with his first Lightning transaction we inevitably ended up in the central plaza, Plaza de la Libertad. It is truly the beating heart of the community. It is always crowded. Elegant and beautiful, with its early 20th century buildings, the National Theater, in pure Art Nouveau style, the municipal palace and the very white cathedral, the most beautiful in all of El Salvador, they say.

Ancak bu günde meydan özellikle kaotik ve hareketliydi. Büyük bir sahne kuruyorlar, enstrümanları ayarlıyorlar, sıraları ve sandalyeleri sıralıyorlardı. Yakında burada konser verileceği belliydi. Etrafı gözetlemek için yaklaştık, ışığa yakalanan iki güve gibi olay yerine çekildik. Yaklaştığımızda 60'lı yaşlarında şişman bir beyefendi bizi gördü ve yanımıza yaklaştı. Gençlik Filarmoni Orkestrası'nın yöneticisi olduğunu bize anlattı ve o gece bir senfonik rock etkinliği yapılacağını anlattı. Genç müzisyenler, klasik enstrümanlarının melodilerini yerel bir rock grubuyla harmanlayarak, büyük metal klasiklerini senfonik düzenlemelerle yorumlayacaklar. Gösterinin akşam 6'da olacağını söyleyerek gösteriyi kaçırmamamız için bize yalvardı. Şehir dışından iki kişiyi görmekten mutlu oldu ve içten ısrarından bizim gitmemizi önemsediğini anlayabilirsiniz.

That face, that attitude — we've seen it before here. It is that deep desire to show someone from afar that there is also another El Salvador — one that is not made up of violence and poverty. It is made of people capable of studying, organizing, playing and dancing. It is an opportunity for redemption. They want to prove themselves. It's an attitude that grabs you in the gut, believe me.

Biz bunu seve seve kabul ettik.

Kararlaştırılan saatte geri döndük ve hatta yetkililerin arkasındaki üçüncü sırada bize iki koltuk ayırmışlardı. Gösteri beklediğimiz her şeydi. Güzel, samimi, gerçek, dokunaklı ve müzikal açıdan harika.

Bu Rikki'nin misafir yazısı. İfade edilen görüşler tamamen kendilerine aittir ve mutlaka BTC Inc. veya Bitcoin Dergi.

Orjinal kaynak: Bitcoin Wos Magazine