Kardanoning 23.6% darajasidan qaytishi ushbu diapazonga pasayishga olib kelishi mumkin

AMB Crypto tomonidan - 1 yil oldin - O'qish vaqti: 1 daqiqa

Kardanoning 23.6% darajasidan qaytishi ushbu diapazonga pasayishga olib kelishi mumkin

Disclaimer: The findings of the following analysis are the sole opinions of the writer and should not be considered investment advice. Cardano’s [ADA] recovery over the last nine days tested the 23.6% and the 38.2% Fibonacci resistance levels. However, the recent liquidations have pulled ADA below its 20 EMA (red) and the 50 EMA (cyan) […]

Asl manba: AMB kripto