Santa Came Early In Crypto? Bitcoin Rally May Have Passed

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Santa Came Early In Crypto? Bitcoin Rally May Have Passed

Bitcoin saw positive price action recently but failed to follow through and could remain rangebound for December. The cryptocurrency rose from a new yearly low at $15,500, and market participants were expecting further profits, but the market has stalled. 

Ushbu yozuv bo'yicha, Bitcoin is moving between $16,900 and $17,100. The cryptocurrency still maintains profits from its previous week, but today’s trading session has leaned towards the downside. 

BTC narxi kunlik grafikda yon tomonga siljiydi. Manba: BTCUSDT Tradingview

No Christmas Miracle For Bitcoin?

Yaqinda bozor yangilanishida QCP Capital savdo stoli ta'kidlangan the positive performance of Bitcoin and Ethereum in December. These digital assets have been closely following the trajectory of the stock market.  

Kompaniyaning fikricha, qimmatli qog'ozlar AQSh Federal zahirasining (Fed) potentsial o'zgarishi ortida kuch ko'rsatmoqda. Moliyaviy muassasa pul-kredit siyosatini mo'tadillashtirish va foiz stavkasini oshirish dasturini qisqartirishga shama qildi. 

This potential change triggered “strong” bullish momentum for the stock market, allowing Bitcoin and Ethereum to rise 13% and 22% in the past two weeks. Despite the collapse of FTX in November and the fear of contagion, its value is almost back to October levels. 

Shu nuqtai nazardan, bozor ishtirokchilari ayiq bozorining tugashini tezda chaqirishdi, biroq QCP Capital ayiq tarafkashlikni saqlab qolish uchun sabablar borligini da'vo qilmoqda. Misol uchun, AQShdan olingan ishonchli iqtisodiy ma'lumotlar Fedni qattiqlashtirish siyosatini davom ettirishni qo'llab-quvvatlashi mumkin. 

QCP Capital eski moliya bozoridagi joriy narx harakati va uning kripto bozoriga ta'siri haqida quyidagilarni aytdi:

Ko'pchilik BTC va ETH qimmatli qog'ozlar ortda qolayotgani va ularga yetib borishi kerakligini aytishsa-da, aksincha, biz buni asoslarni oshirib yuborgan va tez orada qaytarib olinadigan qimmatli qog'ozlar deb bilamiz.

Thus, the possibilities of the stock market pushing down on Bitcoin and Ethereum are high. There are indications of possible downside pressure for stocks, crypto, and risk on assets. 

Tahlilchi Kaleb Franzen VIX indeksiga ishora qildi; eski moliyaviy bozorlardagi o'zgaruvchanlikni o'lchash uchun ishlatiladigan ko'rsatkich. Ushbu ko'rsatkich 2022 yilda riskli aktivlarni sotib oluvchilar uchun mustahkam strategiyani taqdim etdi. Tahlilchi shunday dedi: 

CBOE bozor o'zgaruvchanlik indeksi #VIX o'tgan hafta 20 dan pastga tushdi, ammo bugun yuqoriroqqa chiqdi! Avgust oyidan beri aytib o'tganimdek, 2022 yilning eng yaxshi strategiyasi:

• $VIX > 30 bo'lganda riskli aktivlarni sotib oling

• $VIX < 20 bo'lganda riskli aktivlarni sotish

Regardless of the bullish expectations, the crypto market might see more selling pressure in the coming weeks. This month’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will shed more light on the direction of the macroeconomic landscape and the landscape for risk-on assets, such as Bitcoin. 

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