Shiba Inu [SHIB] o'zining "qulflash" xususiyati tufayli o'sishni qayd etadi, ammo u davom etadimi?

AMB Crypto tomonidan - 1 yil oldin - O'qish vaqti: 1 daqiqa

Shiba Inu [SHIB] o'zining "qulflash" xususiyati tufayli o'sishni qayd etadi, ammo u davom etadimi?

SHIB had created its seventh consecutive weekly red candle as the price declined despite cryptocurrency exchanges’ continued token burning and adoption. But that’s a thing in the past now. The most popular meme currency is currently trending in the crypto market. At press time, SHIB witnessed a 5% surge as it traded at the $0.00001 […]

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