Bitcoin Is The New Retirement Strategy

By Bitcoin Tạp chí - 1 năm trước - Thời gian đọc: 5 phút

Bitcoin Is The New Retirement Strategy

Secure in custody and monetary policy, Bitcoin is the retirement asset capable of withstanding the challenges of the future.

Đây là một bài xã luận quan điểm của Robert Hall, một nhà sáng tạo nội dung và chủ doanh nghiệp nhỏ.

Bạn có mơ ước được nghỉ hưu một ngày nào đó không? Bạn làm việc cả ngày và nỗ lực hết mình để phát triển doanh nghiệp của mình hoặc làm một công việc xuất sắc cho ông chủ để có thể được thăng chức và kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn. Chúng ta phải làm gì với số tiền lương của mình sau khi thanh toán hóa đơn, dọn thức ăn lên bàn và chăm sóc bọn trẻ?

Conventional wisdom tells us that we should save for retirement to enjoy our "golden years." This isn't bad advice per se as we can't keep working forever. Having money to rely on after you stop working is prudent financial planning. As you know, a whole industry is dedicated to planning for your future self.

Hầu hết các cố vấn tài chính sẽ bảo bạn đầu tư tiền vào quỹ 401(k) và để số tiền đó tăng lên theo thời gian. Điều này đã có hiệu quả với hàng triệu người Mỹ. Ví dụ: lợi nhuận hàng năm của S&P 500 10 năm là 14.25%. This isn't bad when you take it at face value, but once you factor in inflation, this number becomes much lower. Instead of reaping the entire 14% gain, your purchasing power adjusted for inflation is more like 12% after you factor in the Federal Reserve target of 2% inflation target every year. If inflation continues the way it has this year for an extended period, your retirement savings could look much smaller than you thought. This 2% loss also compounds year over year the same as your gains; keep that in mind.

This isn't right! Why should we suffer because of the monetary policies set by the Fed? Mind you, we never voted for any of these jokers causing so much hardship for us and the rest of the world. The Federal Reserve's policy of printing trillions of dollars and buying up government treasuries is creating an unsustainable situation that could lead to the monetary collapse of the dollar.

Everyone thinks that it can't happen here, but it can. No one is immune to stupidity and hubris. Jerome Powell and the rest of the Federal Reserve have come down with a bad case of it. Do they honestly think they can control the economic lives of millions of people? How crazy do you have to be to believe this? Once people lose faith in the dollar, it's all over, folks, and that day is coming sooner than you think. Inflation raging at a 7% clip is a good way to scare people away from the dollar. I'm not saying it is imminent, but the overall trend is not good for the U.S.

Vì vậy, với tất cả những bất ổn kinh tế này, làm thế nào để bạn tiết kiệm một cách hiệu quả cho việc nghỉ hưu?

Bitcoin Is Your New Retirement Account

Bitcoin is the perfect vehicle for retirement for a variety of reasons. The first is that it is designed to appreciate into perpetuity. There are only 21 million coins that will ever be produced. This is called an inelastic supply. This means that as demand for bitcoin goes up, the price of bitcoin will also go up due to the scarcity of the supply. Did you know that there have been an ước tính ba triệu xu bị mất, vậy tổng nguồn cung sẽ lên tới gần 18 triệu vào thời điểm đồng xu cuối cùng được sản xuất vào năm 2140?

The inelastic supply of Bitcoin is exactly what you want to see in a retirement fund asset. Investing your retirement savings in Bitcoin will secure your future retirement needs to the point where you can live comfortably.

Bitcoin is the perfect retirement vehicle because you are in control of your assets and not the bank or some assets manager. Believe it or not, neither of these actors have your financial interests at heart. Banks and asset managers are in the business of making money for their business and themselves. This means there are a bunch of hidden lệ phí that you have to pay them to manage your money. This hides the actual cost of saving your money with a bank, and they will go to great lengths to ensure you don't fully understand all the fees. These entities want to take your money and for you to shut up.

When you compare this experience to buying and holding bitcoin, the experience couldn't be more different. The price of bitcoin is transparent and fees associated with buying, selling and sending to a walle không giám hột are not hidden. This price transparency gives you a better picture of how much you are spending on fees. The cost of holding your bitcoin long term is meager. Buy a hardware wallet for cold storage and you are good to go. There is no ongoing cost to store your bitcoin wealth. The money you save on fees alone by investing in bitcoin instead of a 401(k) or IRA will add up over the years.

What can't be understated is the fact that you control your wealth and not your retirement administrator. The economy is not exactly excellent right now, and with inflation surging to 7% having easy access to your wealth in times of crisis will make all the difference. Can you imagine a bank run during which you cannot withdraw cash? Can you imagine your stock portfolio going to zero? Điều này có thể xảy ra với tất cả chúng ta. Liban là a good example of what can happen when the debt bomb explodes and everything becomes unaffordable. You are going to wish you had bitcoin! Luckily for you, it doesn't have to end up this way if you buy bitcoin ngay bây giờ.

Việc từ bỏ 401(k) hoặc IRA có vẻ như là một ý tưởng cấp tiến nhưng bạn đã dừng lại để suy nghĩ về lý do tại sao ngay từ đầu bạn lại đầu tư vào 401(k) chưa? Bạn nhận được lợi ích gì từ nó ngoài việc có tiền khi nghỉ hưu? Lý do rõ ràng nhất ngoài việc tiết kiệm cho tương lai là việc bạn được giảm thuế khi đầu tư tiền vào thị trường chứng khoán.

I get it; it becomes very attractive when you can deduct your retirement contributions from your tax liability. You are being coerced into doing that if you think about it though. The government is telling you that we will take more of your money away if you don't invest your money in the stock market. Retirement investing is not entirely a free will choice.

If there were no tax breaks, would you save for retirement? Would retirement even be a concept? That's for another article, but you get my drift.

Saving for retirement with self-custodied bitcoin won't reap you any tax write-offs at the end of the year, but you get the security of knowing that your wealth is entirely secure and appreciating. I would gladly take that trade-off any day of the week. Who would you rather be in control of your wealth? Big banks or yourself? What do you trust more, Bitcoin or stocks? This is the choice we all have to make.

Đây là một bài đăng của Robert Hall. Các ý kiến ​​được bày tỏ hoàn toàn là của riêng họ và không nhất thiết phải phản ánh ý kiến ​​của BTC Inc. hoặc Bitcoin Tạp chí.

Nguồn chính thức: Bitcoin Tạp chí