Tham quan Khai thác Thị trấn Hồ Guatemalan Bitcoin Với dầu ăn đã qua sử dụng

By Bitcoin Tạp chí - 1 năm trước - Thời gian đọc: 5 phút

Tham quan Khai thác Thị trấn Hồ Guatemalan Bitcoin Với dầu ăn đã qua sử dụng

Inspired by El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach, a town in Guatemala is focused on cleaning its lake by diverting used cooking oil to bitcoin thợ mỏ.

A circular bitcoin economy in Guatemala is using resources that would otherwise be wasted to fuel a local bitcoin mining operation, giving its resident financial autonomy and demonstrating a viable economic path outside of the government-controlled economy.

Patrick Melder, MD, người sáng lập nền kinh tế tuần hoàn đã đặt ra “Bitcoin Hồ," kể lại Bitcoin Magazine that its “Kabom” bitcoin dự án khai thác là kết quả của mong muốn giúp làm sạch Hồ Atitlán gần đó đồng thời mang lại nguồn thu nhập liên tục cho cộng đồng.

“We don’t have any major endowment or donations to do what we are doing,” he said, underscoring a stark difference with El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach, which was established in part nhờ một khoản quyên góp. 'Bitcoin mining was a way to get bitcoin flowing into the community.”

Nhiều nỗ lực làm sạch hồ đã được thực hiện trước dự án này, hầu hết đều mắc phải sai sót khi cố gắng giải quyết mọi việc cùng một lúc. Theo Melder, cách tiếp cận đại tu sẽ làm tăng độ phức tạp và cuối cùng làm giảm khả năng hoàn thành.

“Trong vòng 300 năm qua, một nỗ lực lớn để làm sạch hồ có chi phí lên tới XNUMX triệu đô la đã thất bại vì nó quá phức tạp với rất nhiều bên liên quan lớn không thể thống nhất về một giải pháp,” ông nói thêm.

Bitcoin Lake took a different approach by starting small with the repurposing of used cooking oil to power bitcoin mining ASICs.

Melder giải thích: “Dầu ăn này sẽ bị vứt ra đường hoặc tìm đường đến bãi rác cách Hồ Atitlán vài trăm feet. “Dù thế nào thì nó cũng sẽ tìm đường vào lưu vực sông và vào hồ.”

This is the generator used to power the bitcoin mining ASICs of the Kaboom project. Gallons of used cooking oil that fuel the generator sit on the right side of the photo. (Photo/Bitcoin Lake).

Bằng cách khởi động sáng kiến ​​này, Melder cho biết ông hy vọng sẽ tạo ra hiệu ứng quả cầu tuyết trong các cộng đồng lân cận khi họ nhận ra rằng việc làm sạch môi trường không chỉ khả thi mà còn mang lại lợi nhuận.

“All community leaders and the citizens of the lake are concerned about the environment but there are limited tools and resources to tackle the problem. So our goal is to create a ‘sliding scale’ use of wasted/stranded energy to mine bitcoin and in the process clean the lake and create wealth in the communities. It’s a sliding scale because in one small community, we may simply have a ‘Kaboom-like’ project or we may have small bio-digesters collecting waste.”

Từng chút một, Bitcoin Lake is racking ASIC machines that produce a steady stream of bitcoin income by repurposing a resource that would otherwise be wasted and find its way into the local lake. (Photo/Bitcoin hồ)

Ngoài khai thác

Panajachel, Guatemala. (Photo/Bitcoin hồ)

Melder used to travel with his family to the city of Panajachel, Guatemala, every summer during his daughters’ undergraduate school years, but after they graduated from college, those trips to the Central American country came to an end. However, Melder and his wife kept seeking ways to come back. It wasn’t too long until he found out about Bitcoin Beach in El Salvador, which ultimately inspired him to travel once more to Panajachel and start Bitcoin Hồ.

“My desire was to bring the Bitcoin Beach model to Panajachel which is a beautiful town on Lake Atitlán in the Guatemalan highlands,” he wrote in a 2021 blog đăng bài đã nêu chi tiết tầm nhìn của anh ấy cho dự án.

In addition to cleaning up the lake, Melder detailed in that blog post the other goals that Bitcoin Lake would set out to achieve from the start, including helping a local education center and creating economic opportunities for the “small but vibrant Guatemalan town.” Since then, Bitcoin has been at the forefront of the project’s work.

“Everything we do in the community is related to bitcoin. It is either funded by bitcoin, teaches about bitcoin or is taught or implemented by bitcoin,” Melder told Bitcoin Magazine. “Our three goals in the community are to teach about bitcoin, tạo một bitcoin circular economy and clean the environment with bitcoin mining as the economic incentive.”

Trong khi Bitcoin Lake tackles the latter, the other two goals have not been sidelined. On the education front, the project has helped introduce Bitcoin-related coursework to the local education center Centro Educativo Josué.

“The children there are taught about every aspect of Bitcoin, from ‘what is money?,’ ‘what is inflation?,’ ‘why bitcoin was created,’ to the basics of bitcoin mining, setting up a bitcoin full node, etc.,” Melder detailed. “We are proud to say that we have been doing this since January of 2022 developing our own curriculum along the way and we’ve had Bitcoiners from around the world come and help.”

Melder cho biết, công việc bắt đầu tại trường học địa phương kể từ đó đã lan rộng đến nhiều đối tượng hơn trong thị trấn, nhằm cố gắng giúp mọi người ở mọi lứa tuổi tìm hiểu thêm về thế giới tiền kỹ thuật số ngang hàng.

“We’ve held bitcoin educational meetings for adults and business owners in the community and striven to include the indigenous community leaders as well,” he said.

With a better understanding of the technology, adoption is facilitated as users and business owners aren’t caught off guard or coerced into using bitcoin. Rather, a movement begins, naturally.

“Since we’ve started in January of this year, we’ve onboarded over 60 businesses in and around Panajachel, and in Guatemala as a whole we have about 200 businesses that we have onboarded to accept bitcoin,” Melder explained.

Business in Panajachel, Guatemala accepting bitcoin. (Photo/Bitcoin hồ)

As awareness about Bitcoin grows and adoption keeps increasing, the community is set to keep expanding its initiatives. On the mining front, Melder expects to further develop the repurposing of wasted and stranded resources to increase the community’s steady income and improve the efficiency of the lake’s clean-up even more.

“Our environmental cleanup/Bitcoin mining initiative just started, but will grow to the point in about a year that we can actually take unsorted landfill waste (new or old) and turn it into a clean energy source to mine bitcoin,” Melder forecasted. “We are working with a group out of the U.K. to bring this to life and it will have a major impact in Panajachel and Guatemala as we now have an economic incentive to clean the massive waste issue that exists in Guatemala and in most developing countries. We are proud that we will be first to market with this technology.”

Landfill in Panajachel, Guatemala. (Photo/Bitcoin hồ)

Nguồn chính thức: Bitcoin Tạp chí