Bitcoin Investor Cohorts Now Have Close Cost-Basis, What Does It Say About Market?

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Bitcoin Investor Cohorts Now Have Close Cost-Basis, What Does It Say About Market?

Data shows the different Bitcoin investor cohorts now have their cost-basis packed together in a tight range. Here’s what this may tell us about the current market.

bonke Bitcoin Investor Groups Have Cost-Basis Between $18.7k And $22.9k

Ngokwengxelo yamva nje yeveki evela Iglasi, iindleko-isiseko semarike ebanzi ye-BTC okwangoku ijikeleze i-$ 20.2k.

Here, the “cost-basis” refers to the price at which the average investor in the Bitcoin market acquired their coins.

Imakethi yonke inokwahlulwa ibe ngamaqela amabini abatyali-zimali abaphambili, “abanini bexesha elifutshane” (STHs) kunye ne “abanini bexesha elide” (LTHs).

Iqela le-STH libandakanya bonke abatyali-mali abafumene iingqekembe zabo kwiintsuku ze-155 zokugqibela. I-LTHs, ngakolunye uhlangothi, yenziwe ngabanini ababambe iimali zabo ukususela ngaphezu kweentsuku ze-155 ezidlulileyo.

Ngokwezibalo, iqela le-LTH lelona qela lincinci linokuthi lithengise iingqekembe zabo nangaliphi na ixesha, kuba abatyali-mali ixesha elide bezigcina iingqekembe zabo kunqabile ukuba baphule i-dormancy yabo.

Ixabiso-siseko lelinye kula maqela mabini lixabiso apho umtyali-mali ophakathi weqela elithe lathenga iingqekembe zabo.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the cost-basis of both LTHs and STHs, as well as that of the wider Bitcoin Intengiso:

Kubonakala ngathi ixabiso laliwa yi-STH yeendleko-isiseko kungekudala kakhulu | Umthombo: Glassnode's IVeki yeOnchain-iVeki yama-49, ngo-2022

As you can see in the above graph, the cost-basis of the Bitcoin STHs has declined as the bear market has gone on, something that makes sense as this cohort only includes investors who bought recently. Naturally, the “recent” prices during the bear have been lower and lower.

Ixabiso le-LTH-isiseko liye lathambekela kancinci njengoko abatyali-mali abathenge ngexesha lamaxabiso aphezulu ngoku bayinxalenye yeli qela. Okwangoku, le metric inexabiso le-22.9k yeedola.

Oku akukude kakhulu kwi-18.7k yeendleko-isiseko se-STHs kunye ne-$ 20.2k yeendleko-isiseko semarike ebanzi. Oku kuthetha ukuba amaqela ahlukeneyo abatyali-mali kwimarike yangoku afumene iimali zabo zemali ngamaxabiso afanayo.

Intsingiselo yoku kukuba umngcipheko kunye nethuba phakathi kwabo bonke abanini-mpahla, nokuba lixesha elifutshane okanye ixesha elide, liyafana. "Ngoko, kunokwenzeka ukuba imarike ehlanganisiweyo iya kuqala ukuziphatha ngendlela ehambelanayo ekuphenduleni ukuguquguquka," iphawula ingxelo.

Ixabiso leBBT

Ngexesha lokubhala, BitcoinIxabiso idada malunga ne-$17k, inyuke nge-3% kwiveki ephelileyo.

I-BTC iyaqhubeka nokubamba ijikeleze uphawu lwe-$ 17k | Umthombo: I-BTCUSD kwi-TradingView Umfanekiso ovela, iitshathi ezivela,

Umthombo wo kuqala: IindabaBTC